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Callaghan Innovation Te Pokapū Auaha

Callaghan Innovation Te Pokapū Auaha's logo
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Ko Te Pokapū Auaha o Aotearoa Tatou — We are the enablers of good innovation here in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Callaghan Innovation was born out of the simple but powerful idea that Aotearoa New Zealand’s intergenerational prosperity would come not through traditional businesses or business models, but from smart, bold entrepreneurs creating innovative, new companies that are not just world-class but world-bettering.

Our role is to act as an enabler for this new breed of companies; to champion, guide, support and advise them as they make a positive impact on Aotearoa New Zealand and the world. We help bring together modern science and mātauranga Māori to support their progressive, holistic and distinctively “Kiwi” approach to innovation. We fund, upskill and connect entrepreneurs and founders, and through our business know-how and scientific expertise, we help them solve the challenges they encounter on their journey to grow their innovative ideas into a commercial success.

Our ingoa Māori describes us as the heart of innovation. We fulfil that role with services designed to place innovators at the centre of a system of support, knowledge and capability.