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Conscious Action by Brian Berneman

Conscious Action by Brian Berneman's logo
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Make meaningful changes in your life and have an impact in the world.

A conscious community raising awareness and inspiring meaningful action.

We are all about:

Connecting with likeminded people

Collaborating to come up with inspiring ways to live more consciously

Celebrating the impact of individuals, and their contributions to the collective

and doing all of this while being grounded in Compassion

We are a positive community bringing awareness to the way we are leading our lives as individuals, as a collective and as a planet.

We are celebrating the current choices being taken to shape a more conscious way of living and working.

Through interaction we aim to come up with achievable actions we could take and through connection we share and celebrate the ones already being taken – big or small.

Conscious Action was born from a desire to do more.

Our events are all about bringing people together in a fun and inspiring environment.

What goes on at each event is always different, diverse and unique to its theme.