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Artwalk Freo

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In late 2014, a small group of established Fremantle artists came together spontaneously with the idea to open their homes and studios to the public for one weekend.

At short notice, over 400 people visited and Artwalk Freo was born. Building on the success of that inaugural event, the artists opened to the public again in 2015, 2017 and 2019 and had a fabulous response!

The creative process can be a solitary one and people rarely have the opportunity to glimpse inside a working studio and observe. An artist's studio is where all the inspiration, work sketches, thoughts and ideas merge together to become something wonderful. For Artwalk Freo visitors, being able to walk around and soak in that creative atmosphere, and discuss concepts with the artists can be an insightful and inspiring experience!

Follow us on Facebook or Instagram and watch this space for further info.