Choose your tickets
Associate Member Rate | AHICE NZ Delegate Pass ticket
Exclusive rate for HCA Members. You must be a HCA to access this rate. Any non-members will be required to pay the non discounted rate or have their AHICE Delegate Pass cancelled. The AHICE Delegate Pass is inclusive of; two-day conference program hotel site tours, breakfast masterclass and networking events. Please see the AHICE Aotearoa program for more details;
Exclusive rate for HCA Members. You must be a HCA to access this rate. Any non-members will be required to pay the non discounted rate or have their AHICE Delegate Pass cancelled. The AHICE Delegate Pass is inclusive of; two-day conference program hotel site tours, breakfast masterclass and networking events. Please see the AHICE Aotearoa program for more details;
$595.00+ GST + $27.22 feeEarly Bird | AHICE NZ Delegate Pass ticket
Save $100 until 30 June 2025. The AHICE Delegate Pass is inclusive of; two-day conference program hotel site tours, breakfast masterclass and networking events. Please see the AHICE Aotearoa program for more details;
Save $100 until 30 June 2025. The AHICE Delegate Pass is inclusive of; two-day conference program hotel site tours, breakfast masterclass and networking events. Please see the AHICE Aotearoa program for more details;
$649.00+ GST + $29.61 feeFull Rate | AHICE NZ Delegate Pass ticket
Save $100 until 31 July 2025 The AHICE Delegate Pass is inclusive of; two-day conference program hotel site tours, breakfast masterclass and networking events. Please see the AHICE Aotearoa program for more details;
Save $100 until 31 July 2025 The AHICE Delegate Pass is inclusive of; two-day conference program hotel site tours, breakfast masterclass and networking events. Please see the AHICE Aotearoa program for more details;
Sales start at Tue 1st Jul 2025, 12:00 am NZST$749.00+ GST + $34.04 feeLast Minute Rate | AHICE NZ Delegate Pass ticket
Available from 1 August 2025. The AHICE Delegate Pass is inclusive of; two-day conference program hotel site tours, breakfast masterclass and networking events. Please see the AHICE Aotearoa program for more details;
Available from 1 August 2025. The AHICE Delegate Pass is inclusive of; two-day conference program hotel site tours, breakfast masterclass and networking events. Please see the AHICE Aotearoa program for more details;
Sales start at Fri 1st Aug 2025, 12:00 am NZST$849.00+ GST + $38.47 fee