A Big Dialogue, Gen Z Edition: Should Under-16s Be Banned From Social Media?

Wed, 2 Oct, 6pm - 8:45pm AEST  ·  Event info

Choose your tickets

Discount details
  1. Premium

    1. Premium

      For active supporters and others who want to help make this Big Dialogue widely accessible, in the cause of civil discourse and advancing civic culture in Australia. - Enjoy the best seats at tables of four in front of the stage - Exclusive access to private bar to carry on the discussion with the speakers after the stage discussion ends - Free access to high quality video recording - First priority booking for next event Your ticket will enable one or more people to attend who might otherwise not have. Notwithstanding The Tivoli owners' great generosity and the donation of time of all the speakers and volunteers, the hard costs of these events to date are approximately $60 per guest overall and more for the cabaret table places (included food, technical and production staff, travel and accommodation, furniture and equipment hire, printing etc ). This is a stretch, or prohibitive, for many students, unemployed and others who we want to include by offering below-cost concession tickets.

      For active supporters and others who want to help make this Big Dialogue widely accessible, in the cause of civil discourse and advancing civic culture in Australia. - Enjoy the best seats at tables of four in front of the stage - Exclusive access to private bar to carry on the discussion with the speakers after the stage discussion ends - Free access to high quality video recording - First priority booking for next event Your ticket will enable one or more people to attend who might otherwise not have. Notwithstanding The Tivoli owners' great generosity and the donation of time of all the speakers and volunteers, the hard costs of these events to date are approximately $60 per guest overall and more for the cabaret table places (included food, technical and production staff, travel and accommodation, furniture and equipment hire, printing etc ). This is a stretch, or prohibitive, for many students, unemployed and others who we want to include by offering below-cost concession tickets.

      $150.00 + $4.25 fee
    2. Package
      Premium table of 4

      Four Premium tickets, seated together at cabaret table.

      Four Premium tickets, seated together at cabaret table.

      • 4x Premium
      $520.00 + $15.00 fee
    3. Convenor's Table

      Convenor’s table of 4 Premium tickets on a cabaret table of 4. Only 6 tables available. In the cause of better policy discussions in Australia. Join speakers for private drinks to continue the discussion after the stage dialogue. Your ticket will help us to provide food to all guests which in turn sustains people for a longer discussion and allow some people to attend who would otherwise not be able to. Seats you can’t use (or a whole table if you can’t attend in person) will be given to selected young people who could not otherwise attend and who will benefit from seeing what a respectful discussion of a difficult topic looks like. Contact us if you have any questions or would prefer to pay by bank transfer to save card fees. 0415 429723 or info@brisbanedialogues.org. We will contact you after purchase about seat allocation and individual ticketing. - Enjoy best table positions nearest the stage - Acknowledgement by MC (if desired) as a valued supporter of the cause of better discussions through this launch event - Light food and drinks included - Invitation to carry on the discussion with the speakers over drinks after the stage discussion ends - Free access to high quality video recording - First priority booking for next event Notwithstanding the donation of time of the speakers and volunteers, the hard costs of this event are approx $60 per guest (venue hire, food and drinks, technical and production staff, furniture and equipment hire, marketing, printing etc). This is obviously prohibitive for many, including students, un(der)employed and others who we want to include by offering below-cost concession tickets.

      Convenor’s table of 4 Premium tickets on a cabaret table of 4. Only 6 tables available. In the cause of better policy discussions in Australia. Join speakers for private drinks to continue the discussion after the stage dialogue. Your ticket will help us to provide food to all guests which in turn sustains people for a longer discussion and allow some people to attend who would otherwise not be able to. Seats you can’t use (or a whole table if you can’t attend in person) will be given to selected young people who could not otherwise attend and who will benefit from seeing what a respectful discussion of a difficult topic looks like. Contact us if you have any questions or would prefer to pay by bank transfer to save card fees. 0415 429723 or info@brisbanedialogues.org. We will contact you after purchase about seat allocation and individual ticketing. - Enjoy best table positions nearest the stage - Acknowledgement by MC (if desired) as a valued supporter of the cause of better discussions through this launch event - Light food and drinks included - Invitation to carry on the discussion with the speakers over drinks after the stage discussion ends - Free access to high quality video recording - First priority booking for next event Notwithstanding the donation of time of the speakers and volunteers, the hard costs of this event are approx $60 per guest (venue hire, food and drinks, technical and production staff, furniture and equipment hire, marketing, printing etc). This is obviously prohibitive for many, including students, un(der)employed and others who we want to include by offering below-cost concession tickets.

      $1000.00 + $25.50 fee
  2. General admission

    1. Standard-main

      For guests who can cover the cost of their place at the event. - Enjoy seating at cabaret tables with good line of sight on the main level - Free access to high quality video recording - Second priority booking for next event Note: Notwithstanding The Tivoli owners' generosity and the donation of time by all the speakers and volunteers, the hard costs of these events are approximately $60 per guest overall, which is a stretch, or prohibitive, for many students, unemployed and others who we want to include by offering concession tickets. The hard costs of these events are approximately $60 per guest overall if not more for the cabaret table places (included food, technical and production staff, travel and accommodation, furniture and equipment hire, printing etc ). We also rely on small event surpluses to cover modest overheads between events.

      For guests who can cover the cost of their place at the event. - Enjoy seating at cabaret tables with good line of sight on the main level - Free access to high quality video recording - Second priority booking for next event Note: Notwithstanding The Tivoli owners' generosity and the donation of time by all the speakers and volunteers, the hard costs of these events are approximately $60 per guest overall, which is a stretch, or prohibitive, for many students, unemployed and others who we want to include by offering concession tickets. The hard costs of these events are approximately $60 per guest overall if not more for the cabaret table places (included food, technical and production staff, travel and accommodation, furniture and equipment hire, printing etc ). We also rely on small event surpluses to cover modest overheads between events.

      $60.00 + $2.00 fee
    2. Superior-mezzanine

      General admission for guests who are willing and able to cover the cost of their place at the event. Seating will be at cocktail tables for two or in prime balcony seats in the mezzanine. Also: - Free access to high quality video recording - Second priority booking for next event Note: Notwithstanding The Tivoli owners' great generosity and the donation of time by all the speakers and volunteers, the hard costs of these events to date are approximately $60 per guest overall (included food, technical and production staff, travel and accommodation, furniture and equipment hire, printing etc ).

      General admission for guests who are willing and able to cover the cost of their place at the event. Seating will be at cocktail tables for two or in prime balcony seats in the mezzanine. Also: - Free access to high quality video recording - Second priority booking for next event Note: Notwithstanding The Tivoli owners' great generosity and the donation of time by all the speakers and volunteers, the hard costs of these events to date are approximately $60 per guest overall (included food, technical and production staff, travel and accommodation, furniture and equipment hire, printing etc ).

      $60.00 + $2.00 fee
      Sold out
    3. Standard-mezzanine

      General admission for guests who are willing and able to (almost) the cost of their place at the event. Seats are in the mezzanine or upper level, theatre style, instead of at cabaret tables, but there are no bad seats at The Tiv! Also: - Free access to high quality video recording - Thrid priority booking for next event Note: Notwithstanding The Tivoli owners' generosity and the donation of time by all the speakers and volunteers, the hard costs of similar events to date are approximately $60 per guest, which is a stretch, or prohibitive, for many students, unemployed and others we want to include. Travel and accommodation, technical, catering and production staff, furniture and equipment hire, printing and included food etc cost real money.

      General admission for guests who are willing and able to (almost) the cost of their place at the event. Seats are in the mezzanine or upper level, theatre style, instead of at cabaret tables, but there are no bad seats at The Tiv! Also: - Free access to high quality video recording - Thrid priority booking for next event Note: Notwithstanding The Tivoli owners' generosity and the donation of time by all the speakers and volunteers, the hard costs of similar events to date are approximately $60 per guest, which is a stretch, or prohibitive, for many students, unemployed and others we want to include. Travel and accommodation, technical, catering and production staff, furniture and equipment hire, printing and included food etc cost real money.

      $50.00 + $1.75 fee
    4. Package
      Standard table of 4

      Four Standard-main tickets, seated together at cabaret table.

      Four Standard-main tickets, seated together at cabaret table.

      • 4x Standard-main
      $220.00 + $7.52 fee
    5. Package
      Family table of 4

      Four Standard-main tickets, seated together at cabaret table, available to family groups including two students only.

      Four Standard-main tickets, seated together at cabaret table, available to family groups including two students only.

      • 2x Standard-main
      • 2x Concession
      $140.00 + $5.50 fee
      Sold out
  3. Concession

    1. Concession

      In order to make Australian Dialogues events accessible .... these subsidised tickets are only for post-secondary students, pensioners, unemployed and similar - not for affluent boomers! Seats will probably be in the mezzanine or upper level, theatre style, instead of at cabaret tables, but there are no bad seats at The Tiv! Some concesssion tickets may be upgraded to cabaret table seats at the organisers' option. Notwithstanding The Tiv owners' great generosity and the donation of time by all the speakers and volunteers, the hard costs of similar events to date are approximately $60 per guest. Travel and accommodation, technical, production and catering staff, furniture and equipment hire, advertising etc and now included food cost real money and we depend on event surpluses to cover modest overheads in between, without which these events and our other activities, like Dialogues @ School, would not be possible. If $20 is still a stretch and you would like a free ticket, post a short (20-60 seconds) selfie video to social media on why you are interested in this event, the topic or The Brisbane Dialogues in general, and email the links to us at thebrisbanedialogues@gmail.com.

      In order to make Australian Dialogues events accessible .... these subsidised tickets are only for post-secondary students, pensioners, unemployed and similar - not for affluent boomers! Seats will probably be in the mezzanine or upper level, theatre style, instead of at cabaret tables, but there are no bad seats at The Tiv! Some concesssion tickets may be upgraded to cabaret table seats at the organisers' option. Notwithstanding The Tiv owners' great generosity and the donation of time by all the speakers and volunteers, the hard costs of similar events to date are approximately $60 per guest. Travel and accommodation, technical, production and catering staff, furniture and equipment hire, advertising etc and now included food cost real money and we depend on event surpluses to cover modest overheads in between, without which these events and our other activities, like Dialogues @ School, would not be possible. If $20 is still a stretch and you would like a free ticket, post a short (20-60 seconds) selfie video to social media on why you are interested in this event, the topic or The Brisbane Dialogues in general, and email the links to us at thebrisbanedialogues@gmail.com.

      $20.00 + $1.00 fee
    2. Schools

      These subsidised tickets are only for SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS AND SUPERVISING TEACHERS. Seats will be in the mezzanine, upper level, theatre style, instead of at cabaret tables, but there are no bad seats at The Tiv! Some Schools tickets may be upgraded to cabaret table seats on the main floor, in consultation with school teachers. Notwithstanding The Tivoli owners' great generosity and the donation of time by all the speakers and volunteers, the hard costs of similar events to date are approximately $60 per guest. Travel and accommodation, technical, production and catering staff, furniture and equipment hire, advertising etc and now food included in ticket cost real money. We also depend on event surpluses to cover modest overheads in between, without which these events and our other activities, like Dialogues @ School, would not be possible. If $10 is still a stretch and you would like a complimentary ticket, post a short (20-60 seconds) selfie video to social media on why you are interested in this topic, event or The Brisbane Dialogues in general, and email the links to us at info@brisbanedialogues.org, or offer to volunteer.

      These subsidised tickets are only for SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS AND SUPERVISING TEACHERS. Seats will be in the mezzanine, upper level, theatre style, instead of at cabaret tables, but there are no bad seats at The Tiv! Some Schools tickets may be upgraded to cabaret table seats on the main floor, in consultation with school teachers. Notwithstanding The Tivoli owners' great generosity and the donation of time by all the speakers and volunteers, the hard costs of similar events to date are approximately $60 per guest. Travel and accommodation, technical, production and catering staff, furniture and equipment hire, advertising etc and now food included in ticket cost real money. We also depend on event surpluses to cover modest overheads in between, without which these events and our other activities, like Dialogues @ School, would not be possible. If $10 is still a stretch and you would like a complimentary ticket, post a short (20-60 seconds) selfie video to social media on why you are interested in this topic, event or The Brisbane Dialogues in general, and email the links to us at info@brisbanedialogues.org, or offer to volunteer.

      $10.00 + $0.75 fee


Help the Dialogues go national!


NB: DONATIONS ARE SEPARATE TO TICKETS AND DO NOT SECURE ADMISSION. The costs of staging Big Dialogues interstate are significantly higher than in Brissie, at least until we build local support networks in other cities. A little bit of money goes a long way to help make more dialogues happen.

Help the Dialogues go national!

NB: DONATIONS ARE SEPARATE TO TICKETS AND DO NOT SECURE ADMISSION. The costs of staging Big Dialogues interstate are significantly higher than in Brissie, at least until we build local support networks in other cities. A little bit of money goes a long way to help make more dialogues happen.

NB: DONATIONS ARE SEPARATE TO TICKETS AND DO NOT SECURE ADMISSION. The costs of staging Big Dialogues interstate are significantly higher than in Brissie, at least until we build local support networks in other cities. A little bit of money goes a long way to help make more dialogues happen.

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Order summary

A Big Dialogue, Gen Z Edition: Should Under-16s Be Banned From Social Media?
Wed, 2 Oct, 6pm - 8:45pm AEST

Subtotal (Net)0
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A Big Dialogue, Gen Z Edition: Should Under-16s Be Banned From Social Media?
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Joining the waitlist does not guarantee a ticket. Availability is ultimately determined by the event host.