
Event: Adelaide Roller Derby 2025 Season Pass

General information

Travel instructions

Bus: the closest stop is either Stop 23 on Hampstead Rd or Stop 24 on East Parkway. Car: there is on site car parking on the east and west side of the Lights building, including accessible parks.

Entry instructions

Enter the building through the sliding doors facing East Parkway. The entrance is step-free.

After entry instructions

Games are played on Courts 4 and 5 which are located on the ground floor, left hand side of the foyer after you enter the building.


Public games can be loud and include live music and/or amplified music. Both public and private games include whistles during the games - noise reducing earplugs or headphones are recommended if you are sensitive to high pitched noises.

Toilet location

Please see the centre map at the following link. There are accessible toilets in both amenities areas.

Accessible parking

There are 6 accessible parks within the eastern car park, and a further 6 accessible car parks in the western car park. Both have step-free pathways to the front entrance.

Companion Cards

Adelaide Roller Derby accepts Companion Cards. No additional ticket is required for the companion - please show the Companion Card at entry.

Further Access Enquiries

For more detailed access information about the venue, please contact The Lights directly on 08 8405 6670 or email Any other queries can be sent to


The following accessibility features are provided at the event

Wheelchair accessibility