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All About Water

Price $60 – $100 USD Get tickets

Event description

Join us for a day all about water. Water is essential, it’s life, it's magical. Water is as practical as it gets.

This workshop focuses us back on water, this most essential of elements taken for granted until it’s not available, or not clean, or there’s too much of it. We remember that we, and all life, are nearly all water. What are the unique qualities of water - the physics, chemistry and the biology? What are our experiences and feelings about being drawn to water places? Are there collective cultural memories of water? Can we experience, anew, this amazing substance? 

Water features in just about every aspect of life - washing, drinking, swimming, cooking and cleaning, as well as watering gardens and plants. It's in our bodies, the air and atmosphere, living systems and the bodies of water on Earth. The regenerative life that many of us strive to live values water highly. Water is a resource to be appreciated, used wisely and not wasted. How do we collect water, store water, move water, keep water clean, and give access to water? In conservation we have catchments, rivers, streams, lakes, the restoration of riparian zones and the hydration of landscapes. How do we manage floods? Is there a difference between wild water and domestic water?

As Ivan Illich says, we’ve flattened water, made it blank, homogeneous, characterless. It’s captured, commodified, rationed and sold back to us. Water has always been much more than this. Water is a store and medium of energy typified by the transformative works of Shauberger (Biodynamics), and energy, Mansubo. Water has always been ecopsycologically symbolic/storied/mythopoetic. Water as the carrier of an oral story, as the feminine, the underworld. Schama says water symbols and stories are just there to be rediscovered again. 

This workshop is for you, if:

  • Water has ever captivated or mystified you.
  • You crave a deeper, more sacred, connection with the numerous life giving properties of water.
  • You want to be a caretaker of water.
  • You want to expand your knowledge and skill in water capture, conservation and cleaning.

In this speculative and ambitious workshop, we strive to bring water back alive again.

Our futures depend upon water and our relations with water. So do all beings. Please join us for this informative, transformative, stimulating and confronting exploration into all aspects of water.

Lunch will be potluck style. Please bring a dish to pass.

All levels of experience are welcome.

All ages are welcome. Youth 15 years old and younger must be accompanied by an adult. Children 5 and under are included in the price of a caregiver ticket. Please supervise younger children. 

Please let us know if you have any accessibility needs and we will accommodate you. 

Community Up-Skilling Events are a collaboration between Garden Juju Collective and Gateway Farm and take place at Gateway’s beautiful, abundant, permaculture-inspired, regenerative farm ‘hub’. 

We warmly invite you to be part of these enriching events where together we can learn, grow and thrive. 

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Garden Juju Collective and Gateway Farm Hub events may be recorded in photo and video. By attending one of our events, you consent to being photographed and/or recorded. Images, recordings, and audio may be used for promotional purposes, both in print and online, including our social media channels and documentaries.

If this is a matter of concern, please inform event staff upon arrival and we will put every effort into accommodating you. We can avoid closeups but while we will do our best, we cannot make a guarantee with wide, group shots. Our staff will avoid children’s faces unless there has been expressed guardian consent. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

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