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    Allure | A sensual affair

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    Event description

    This luscious evening offers a space to dive into Tantric connection as you enjoy ceremonial cacao, conscious touch and follow your senses into heart connected intimacy.

    This evening is designed for sensual explorers as it guides and invites you into a sacred space to connect in heart connected intimacy. 
    Allure offers a space to deep dive into tantric intimacy, as you explore how to open your heart through the sensual pleasure body.  Enjoy being in a safe space for both couples and singles to explore the realms of Tantric sensuality that transcends traditional sex.

    Couples attending - may work exclusively together for the entire evening. Expect to feel more connected to each other, more sensually alive and with a deeper understanding of how to bring sensuality and whole body activation into your sex life and pleasure explorations.

    Singles attending - can expect to have heartfelt sensory connections with other singles, while enhancing your awareness of your own pleasure capacity. 


    • Be guided through Tantric concepts such as breath, awareness and conscious sensual touch 
    • Explore the heart opening invited through Cacao plant medicine. 
    • Be allured into the wider sensory capacity of your entire erogenous and energetic body.
    • Awaken your body and heart by exploring conscious touch. 
    • Be held in a deeply safe consensual atmosphere where you can practice giving and receiving sensual touch that isn't sexually driven
    • Explore using the body as a means to invite greater connection and pleasure into your life.

    Allure is open to both singles and couples open to exploring tantric sensuality in a conscious way. 


      >> 5.45pm - Registration + doors open

      >> 6pm - ALLURE commences

      >> 9.45pm - Conscious closure & refreshments


    *** This is a Drug & Alcohol free event in a conscious sexuality space. Everyone is welcome including same sex couples. 

    Allure is not a fully open sexual space - it invites a wider exploration of the body as a sensory tool and there will be no nudity or explicit genital touch. 

    Simply bring your curiosity, some lacey undergarments and a willingness to open your heart through the sensory pleasure body. 

    ** An EARLY BIRD discount will be automatically applied to tickets purchased before 1st October

    -- PRAISE ---

    I absolutely love Allure! Bree always creates a beautiful and safe space and this was just divine. I felt comfortable and at ease which really allowed me to open up to the sensual exploration that was on offer. Not only do I recommend this event, I already have recommended it to friends and family. Thank you Bree!

    ~ Kara

    I had a wonderful time at Allure. I had been somewhat apprehensive beforehand, yet it was so nice to be with people of a variety of ages and body types.  I really liked the clear instructions and practices given- they made me feel completely comfortable during interactions with others and I went home on a high.

    ~ Frank

    Bree's facilitation at Allure was wonderful - she is professional, supportive and fun - and in a new environment for me it was exactly what I needed. 

    I feel I am comfortable in my body and self and for me this was about me getting out of my comfort zone, trying something new and continuing on my journey of opening up my heart to my next intimate relationship. Being in this space built my confidence and I even went on my first date in a long time a week later! I would strongly recommend!

    ~ RH (female)

    "The whole experience was well guided and I always felt completely comfortable, both connecting with others and also in myself."

    ~ PS (male)

    What an incredible event!! Allure left me feeling myself ramped up to 100% with my senses alive and a fire inside burning steady and strong for my life as a living work of art. It was such a beautiful evening of ceremony and touch. Thank you Bree for holding such a safe container to express.

    ~ Rachel

    I knew I was stepping out of my comfort zone by attending as I felt vulnerable, nervous & excited! Yet from this experience I gained a greater sense of my sensual self, self worth and self acceptance. I would recommend Allure to anyone who wanted a deeper connection with self & sensuality or to enhance a warming relationship with self and others. 

    ~ Poppy

    What a deeply moving evening I had at Allure. I was quite nervous and yet once arrived felt very welcomed safe and secure in myself and the group process. It was absolutely what I needed in terms of loving consensual conscious touch.  Heartfelt thanks for this offering.

    ~ CML (female)

    Bree is an expert facilitator - she gently weaves magic through her event making it exciting and erotic for both those new and experienced in this kind of space. 

    ~ Anna 

    Please BOOK early to avoid disappointment - this event consistently SELLS OUT! 



    Bree Taylor Molyneaux | Embodiment Coach & Relational Intimacy Facilitator

    For 25 years Bree has been deeply immersed in the fields of psychosomatics, trauma, mindset and human relationships. Her areas of expertise include embodiment, cultivating a sacred relationship and Tantric intimacy. She offers private 1on1 sessions and runs in-person and online workshops using embodiment as a lens to self guided & relational healing. She draws on her extensive training as a trauma informed Clinical Hypnotherapist and Tantric teachings of the Kashmiri lineage. 

    Bree has studied with many world class coaches & facilitators including her current teacher Intimacy & Embodiment Coach Michaela Boehm.  

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