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得寵先生 (布里斯本) An Abandoned Team (Brisbane) 23 MAR 2025 4:00 PM

Palace Cinemas | James Street
fortitude valley, australia
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60歲臭脾氣的長者任春佳(鄭丹瑞 飾)一直過著獨居生活。他在被迫退休後回望自己的一生:婚姻失敗、父女關係疏離。生無可戀的他決定上山尋死,幸好垂死一刻被流浪狗燒腩發現,引領動物義工鄧悅娜 (盧慧敏 飾)救他脫險。燒腩的靈性與令人窩心的舉動,令原本討厭狗的佳叔對流浪動物改觀,也與悅娜成為了好友,並加入悅娜所辦的動物中心「汪之家」當義工,幫助被遺棄的動物。悅娜亦助佳叔能藉此解開與女兒任素儀(廖子妤 飾)積壓了二十多年的心結。正當佳叔以為人生將要重回正軌的時候,他所住的村莊卻突然發生數十隻流浪狗被毒殺事件… 


Yam Chun Kai (Lawrence Cheng), is a 60-year-old curmudgeon living alone. Forced into retirement, Uncle Kai reflects on his failed marriage and strained relationship with his daughter. As the hopelessness prompts him to end his life, a stray dog named Roast Piggy finds Uncle Kai and leads an animal welfare volunteer, Una Tang (Amy Lo), to rescue him—the intelligence and humanity of Roast Piggy change Uncle Kai's attitude towards stray animals. Uncle Kai becomes friends with Una and joins her animal shelter "Warm Home" as a volunteer, helping the abandoned animals. Una hopes Uncle Kai can take this opportunity to clear the air between him and his daughter Zoie (Fish Liew). Just as Uncle Kai’s life seems to be getting back on track, several dog poisoning incidents occur in the village he lives in... 


Language: Cantonese, English

片長:107 mins

Duration: 107 min

領銜主演 :鄭丹瑞、盧慧敏、LITTLE (唐狗) 

Starring : Lawrence Cheng, Amy Lo, LITTLE (Mongrel) 

主 演 :馮允謙、黃正宜、黃梓樂、黃美芬、顏子菲、區嘉雯、袁富華 

Co-starring : Jay Fung, Wong Ching Yi, Wong Tsz Lok Sean, Fimmy Wong, Belinda Yan, Patra Au, Ben Yuen 

特別演出 :廖子妤 

Special Appearance : Fish Liew 

友情客串 :黃德斌、陳毅燊ANSONBEAN 

Guest Appearances : Kenny Wong、ANSONBEAN 

監製:管東銚 吳凱恩  

Producer:Catherine Kwan, Heidi Ng 


Director:Thomas Lee, Daniel Ho 

Free Seating


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Palace Cinemas | James Street
fortitude valley, australia