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    Approaches to Engaging Men in Women's Leadership in the Pacific

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    Please note that this is a hybrid event. For online attendance please sign up to obtain the Zoom link. Access link will be delivered via email upon registration.

    Mercy Masta will be presenting on a new research paper which delves into strategies for involving men in supporting women's leadership in the Pacific. It stresses the need for deliberate engagement with men and fostering critical reflection on privilege. The research was published by Australia Awards Women Leading and Influencing (WLI) and co-authored by experts from La Trobe University and the Pacific region, the paper offers practical recommendations to effectively include men in gender equality efforts while cautioning against counterproductive approaches. The study addresses the pressing issue of gender inequality in the Pacific, particularly concerning high rates of gender-based violence and low levels of women's political representation.


    Dr Mercy Masta is a Pacific Visiting Fellow with the Department of Pacific Affairs at ANU. She currently works part-time as a GEDSI and Safeguards Specialist for the Australia Awards Women Leading and Influencing program and a Learning and Research Associate with Conciliation Resources Australia, a peace-building organisation that works in the Pacific and Southeast Asia. Mercy has worked on a range of DFAT programs in the Pacific, including in the areas of health and HIV, gender equality, women’s empowerment, and youth development.

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