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Arraru Yakka Aboriginal Cultural Capability Seminar - Thursday Afternoon

Event description

Regional Development Australia Limestone Coast and Timberlink have joined forces to bring you a half day workshop all around Cultural Capability facilitated by Renee Andrew from Arraru Yakka Aboriginal Cultural Training.

You will learn:

  • A deeper understanding of Aboriginal history and how the past injustices continue to impact on First Nations people today
  • Knowledge to describe and reflect on the barriers and the strategies to engaging effectively with First Nations people
  • How to analyse the contemporary issues Aboriginal people are dealing with today
  • How to identify what cultural safety is and how to create a culturally safe environment
  • A stronger sense of awareness in relation to bias, privilege and powers

We are mindful that the fee may be a barrier for some members of our community. If fees are a barrier for you to access the seminar, please contact Simone Noronha for further information.

This event is brought to you by Regional Development Australia Limestone Coast and Timberlink.

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