Single try out class ticket
Try before you buy! Please check class availability first by sending a contact form enquiry, these tickets cannot be used if the class is already full. If your child is uncertain about whether the classes are for them, you can book a tryout class ticket for them to give it a go as a once off. If they then decide to join in, the rest of the term is payable (afterpay and zip options available) or they can just have a one off class with no further obligations. Once you have booked your ticket please specify which of the classes you would like your child or teen to attend.
Try before you buy! Please check class availability first by sending a contact form enquiry, these tickets cannot be used if the class is already full. If your child is uncertain about whether the classes are for them, you can book a tryout class ticket for them to give it a go as a once off. If they then decide to join in, the rest of the term is payable (afterpay and zip options available) or they can just have a one off class with no further obligations. Once you have booked your ticket please specify which of the classes you would like your child or teen to attend.