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Australian Women's Justice: Settler Colonisation and the Qld Vote. With historian, Deb Jordan.

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We are pleased to host a wonderful discussion evening with historian, Deborah Jordan, speaking about her extraordinary book: Australian Women's Justice.

Tuesday, 13th August, Lavalla Centre, 58 Fernberg Rd, Paddington. 6.30 for 7pm.

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Deborah explores how working women spearheaded the democratic suffrage campaign in colonial Queensland, engaging with international debates on women’s activism, gender politics, advocacy, print culture, and social movements.

"Australian Women's Justice provides a nuanced reading on the diversity of the women’s movement in Queensland, from the beginning of white colonisation, to federation and the peace and anti-conscription movements and World War 1.

Framed through the lives of women suffragists, detailing their encounters with First Nations women, she examines - in immense detail - the intersection of race, gender, property, war, and empire in the colonial context.

Campaigns for the right to vote, property rights, equal pay, anti-conscription and the intersection with larger international movements for women's organisations, the Labour movement and the fledgling League of Nations."

".... This study reveals aspects of the suffrage movement’s intersections with race, property, war, and empire..."

"Deborah Jordan, Research Fellow, in History at Monash (adjunct) and Griffith University; Petherick Reader, National Library of Australia; and award-winning professional historian; specialises in research on women at the intersection of history, literature, and environment, addressing issues of gender, race and class.
She has recently completed a selection of the love letters of the writers Nettie and Vance Palmer 1909-1914, and she was the lead researcher on climate change narratives for Australian Literature Online database at the University of Queensland."

By learning so much more about local history - and especially women's dynamic role in humanising the colonial-settler project - we will see more clearly how and why Qld sits in the fog of time - as it does!

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Also Featuring:
The Magdalene's Repertory Ensemble, presenting excerpts from Phyl Lobl’s Dames and Daredevils for Democracy, focusing on Qld suffragists Old Mother Miller and Maggie Ogg.

Phyl Lobl, a respected folk singer-songwriter, educator and activist, researched the various strategies adopted by ten leading Australian suffragists to create Dames and Daredevils, which commemorates the struggle and achievements of those women whose place in Australian history has been largely unremarked and unpraised.  

“I structured the production around the different strategies that the women employed,” says Phyl.

“Every woman had her own action ‘call-sign’ that proffered the opportunity of writing a specialised song for each of them, with lyrics and melodies that matched their tactics. I was inspired by their bravery and their determination. Despite the vast differences in their backgrounds and upbringing they generated an amazing level of cooperation around the world, winning support from far-sighted and intelligent men of the time.”

Dames played to capacity houses and audience acclaim in its premiere 2017 season at Magda Community Artz. In 2018 a further 9 performances, brought to life ten of the feisty Australian suffragists who pushed the fight for Australian women’s right to vote and stand for Parliament. 

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We wish to acknowledge that here in Australia, we live and enjoy the lands of the Turrbal and Jagera People – and myriad other First Nation People. We benefit from the bounty of this land’s First Nation People – people who have lived on and loved this land through untold eons and an uncountable number of generations.

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