Choose your tickets
Single Ticket ticket
$280.00+ $4.00 fee- Package
Table of 10 ticket
- 10x Single Ticket
$2600.00+ $37.50 fee - Package
Bedford Supporter Table ticket
These limited VIP tables will put you in our partners circle. You will also receive an upgraded drinks package, company logos on table (if desired) and a listing as supporters in the event program.
These limited VIP tables will put you in our partners circle. You will also receive an upgraded drinks package, company logos on table (if desired) and a listing as supporters in the event program.
- 10x Single Ticket
$5000.00+ $67.50 fee
Pay it Forward Table
By selecting this $3,800 tax-deductible donation you (or your company) will gift 5 people living with disability from the Bedford community a double pass and transport to and from the Gala.
By selecting this $3,800 tax-deductible donation you (or your company) will gift 5 people living with disability from the Bedford community a double pass and transport to and from the Gala.