
Event: Blackwood D&D Winterfest 2024

General information

Contact name

Emily Smith

Contact number


Travel instructions

Bus: Due to the regional nature of Bridgetown there is a lack of public transport options. The 321 Bus comes from East Perth on a Sunday and arrives in Bridgetown at 6:30pm with stops along the way, including Bunbury at 4:30pm. The 322 bus from Pembertion and arrives in Bridgetown at 9:00am. Car: If coming from the North as you come into Bridgetown take a right turn onto Peninsula Rd, it is opposite the tourism information turn in. Travel 400m up Peninsula Rd and turn right into the second set of gates you see. There will be signage and parking attendants to guide you to a parking bay and Accessible parking if required

Entry instructions

continue on the entrance road and take the fork on your right. if you are going uphill its the wrong way. Walk 200m along the road past the Rowan Hall and the administrative building on your right. Continue along the road past the rotunda on your left and the building directly after that on the left is the Junior farmers hall. There are stairs directly to the left and a ramp 10m further on straight to access the hall. this is the food and vendor area, you will be assisted from here to the main playing area.

After entry instructions

from the Junior farmers hall you will be assisted to the the playing area. to get there you can go through the entrance to the junior farmers hall and through the double door opposite. a right turn and a couple of meters forward will be a set of stairs to your right. alternatively head straight another 20m past the ablution block and turn left around the building. This is a ramp section where a bitumen road meets the access to the toilets. this may need to be navigated with some care. follow the building around to your left and walk back past the rear of the ablutions another 20m. You will transition from gravel to grass here, we will have a roll out walkway over this grassed section to facilitate access, this will bring you to the top of the stairs. from the top of the stairs there is ramp and stair access directly west (straight ahead from the steps and right if you come around the ablution blocks). Follow this ramp upwards, at the top of the ramp you will find Centenary Hall and the main playing area.


Due to the nature of the venue being an Agricultural showgrounds, the hazards are numerous and varied. This is why we have parking attendants to guide to accessible parking if required and from there to the event. The hazards include uneven ground, worn bitumen road shoulders, gravel areas, areas with fake grass over gravel.

Toilet location

From the entrance to the junior farmers hall head through the double door opposite. a right turn and head straight another 20m to the ablution blocks. From Centenary hall head down the ramp access that switches back onto the grassed area. Head north (back past the entrance to the Centenary hall) along the rolled out walkway that covers the grass. head 20m straight on, the building to your right is the ablutions. turn right onto the bitumen road that heads down and again right onto the main access to the toilets. Be aware access onto and off the bitumen road may be challenging.

Accessible parking

We will have accessible parking directly infront of Centenary Hall. as you enter the showgrounds gate follow the road and head left up the hill. take your second right as the hill crests so that you are below the cattle pens directly ahead around 20m is the accessible parking which you will pull in at 90 degrees to the road. the area will be delimited and be aware that if there has been a lot of rain the area will be boggy. event staff will cordon off boggy areas.