
Event: Boost your Business: Smart Tech, Secure Future

General information

Travel instructions

140 William Street is above Perth Underground Train Station, and a short walk through Yagan Square and across Wellington Street from Perth Bus Station. The closest parking is available at: - Parkwise Raine Square, 300 Murray Streeet (Entry via Wellington Street) - Wilson Parking, 427 Murray Street - City of Perth Citiplace, 1 Roe Street A parking map and photo directions will be provided on your order confirmation email.

Entry instructions

Building access is via William Street ONLY. A member of our team will be at the building's entrance to direct attendees to where the conference is being held on Level 2.

After entry instructions

Attendees will be ushered to Level 2 by a member of our team.


140 William Street is wheelchair accessible, with no steps or ramps to enter. The conference is being held on Level 2, which is accessible via lift.

Toilet location

Accessible toilet facilities are located on Level 2.


The following accessibility features are provided at the event

Wheelchair accessibility