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Ask an Expert: Supporting carers of people with a mental illness/ addiction/ neurodiversity

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Ask an Expert: Supporting carers of people with mental illness, addiction and neurodiversity: The low down on Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect Hubs, presented by Frances O’Reilly, Community Engagement Officer, Mental Health & Wellbeing Connect Centre

Frances is a Community Engagement Officer with the newly appointed, government funded, Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect Centre in the Barwon South West region. The organisation provides targeted support to carers of loved ones who have mental health or drug and alcohol issues. The service also provides support to carers caring for a loved one who is neurodivergent.   

Frances will give an overview of the service and how it came about and will give some information about who can access the service, how to go about this, and what to expect.  And of course, she is there to answer any burning questions you might have about supports for carers of people with mental health issues, including addiction and neurodiversity. 

Neighbourhood Houses Victoria is proud to present a series of webinars to promote inclusion of disadvantaged groups in local communities. They are a great way to ask your burning questions, connect with and learn from others, find out about opportunities for greater inclusion and get updates on the roll out Neighbourhood Carers Clubs. Everyone is welcome to attend these FREE online sessions.

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