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Celestial Solstice Celebration

Price $80 – $88 AUD + BF Buy Now

Event description

Join us for a Celestial Solstice Celebration on Saturday June 22 at 5.30 - 8.30 pm 

Align with the earth & stars for an evening of meditation through gentle movement then stillness with sound & crystal frequencies.

Bring light to the darkness of the winter solstice as you immerse in crystalline sound & open to an inner journey of connection in the music of the spheres. 

Exhale and deeply relax with a celestial soundscape of crystal alchemy bowls, crystal harp, Tibetan Bowls & various sound healing instruments. 

Be held in the crystal frequency of 528 hz, the frequency of transformation, miracles, unconditional love, & cellular repair. 

Rest in peace & anchor in celestial light as you entrain with high vibrational frequencies of love, light, & oneness to uplift your spirit & illuminate your inner sky. 

Where: Inspired Life Studio Warriwood 

When: June 22nd from 5.30 - 8.30pm 

Hosts: Melissa from Align to Rise in divine guidance & crystal alchemy bowls + Kimberly from QiFoodTherapy with Chi Qong & Tibetan healing Bowls + Kristen from NurturedSpace with light language & reiki.

Afterwards enjoy some delicious home cooked warming foods by Inspired Life Studio as we connect hearts & minds.

Inspired Life Studio

Qi Food Therapy

Align To Rise

Nurtured Space

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