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Characters UNLEASHED - An Expression Masterclass

Price $22 AUD + BF Get tickets

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“You have treasures hidden within you — extraordinary treasures — and so do I, and so does everyone around us. And bringing those treasures to light takes work and faith and focus and courage and hours of devotion, and the clock is ticking, and the world is spinning, and we simply do not have time anymore to think so small.”

- Elizabeth Gilbert, 'Big Magic'

The beginning, middle, and grand finale of your evolutionary impulse:

You are more than you think yourself to be.

And there is a whole host of You's hanging out inside, awaiting the door left just a little ajar to come through...
The ignored, rejected and unexplored aspects of You that long to express.

This is what characters ARE - aspects of YOU, gasping to be birthed by your bravery.
This is not about 'performing' or 'doing impressive voices' - this is about reaching out to yourself across the imaginal space, to meet the many faces of YOU.

To access your RANGE, so more of you can come through.

For fiction is actually a mirror that reflects back the soul of its creator. 

And this is for those who know there are WORLDS within them and are eager to explore the depths of their own multifaceted expression.
- And then allow people to witness you in your brilliance.

You are invited to imagine, make bold, immediate choices, try things on, mess up, try again, be HONEST with where your creative impulses lead - and meet yourself Beyond Who You Think You Are.
As a multi-multi-choice question with infinite answers, and yet crystal clarity in the moment of expressing.
The gift is CHOICE.
Knowing you wield the power of CHOOSING how you be.
And when you can imbue that choice with heart & guts & realness - well, that’s the stuff of a life lived limitless.

In this masterclass we'll work with anchoring the voice, rewilding impulses, role play, embodiment and deep presence to bring the characters that live inside you to vital, expressive, LIFE.



Maja is a director, facilitator and mentor who plays in the sandbox of the mythic and the fleeting. For over a decade she worked nationally and internationally as an actor, director and theatre-maker.

Festivals and companies include Zen Zen Zo, Imaginary Theatre, Woodford, Shakespeare Unplugged (Brisbane), Perth International Arts Festival, PVI Collective, Black Swan State Theatre Co, Perth Fringe, Upstart, Class Act, Emergence Co, (Perth), SITI Company (NY), Dairakudakan (Japan) and Punchdrunk (UK).
These days she runs spaces with very much their own rhythm. Speaking, making and mentoring around the central question of - what is it to live a life off-script?

Maja has a passionate knack for guiding people back to their unapologetically expressive natures. And knows improvisation and theatre to be transformative pathways to our deeper aspects and shared humanity.

Her advocacy is for both experiences of play and expressions of grief to hold honour within our collective psyche.

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