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Christy Snow Band with Rene Russell

Price $15 – $18 USD + BF + Sales tax Get Tickets

Event description

DOORS at 7:00pm

Christy Snow

Christy Snow is a singer/songwriter with a positive message of authenticity and inclusion! She has performed across the country, as well as in Canada, Mexico, and Turkey, and has listeners across the globe due to the worldwide distribution and airplay of her music. She has 14 CDs to her credit and is in preparation for a new recording with her new band!

Covid brought together 5 friends and their desire to play more music and the NEW Christy Snow Band was formed! Brenda Gambill and Gina Stewart, previously of The Doubting Thomas Band bring violin, harmonica, bass, and harmonies, Kim Niption brings an amazing punch to Christy's acoustic music with her electric guitar riffs and Rochelle Coatney brings versatility and solidity with kit drum, Cajon, and congas. This all-female rock accompaniment has added an edge and yet at the same time a lyrical softness to Christy's music as Brenda, Gina, and Christy have also started co-writing together.

Their energy and passion for life and music is contagious! Don't miss the Christy Snow Band.

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"Christy is a dynamic singer, speaker and teacher. She takes you on a journey of self-exploration through her music, her talks and her classes. She is evocative in her teaching, encouraging individual exploration of beliefs. My life has shifted in many ways thanks to the spiritual guidance of Rev Christy, through classes and service. I am eternally grateful." ~ Lane M, Charlotte, NC

Rene Russell

Rene Russell is a 12-string guitarist, with an Americana-Folk-Rock percussive groove. She has been crafting her percussive, bass-thumping, claw-hammer finger-picking technique since she picked up the 12-string in 1972.

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