
Event: City of Swan Residents - Red Hill Waste Management Facility Tour

General information

Contact name

Bron Veale (EMRC staff member)

Contact number

9424 2279

Travel instructions

Directions to the Swan Active Beechboro bus pick-up location (Drake Street bus bay, north of Broun Avenue, Morley: Car parking: car parking is available free of charge at Swan Active Beechboro, Beechboro Community Hub, and Altone Youth Centre. The entrance to the carpark is via a Benara Road, signposted by a sign that reads "Beechboro Community Hub". Bicycle Parking: Public Bicycle parking rails are available outside Altone Youth Centre. Public transport: Beechboro Community Hub is accessible by train and bus. There is a bus stop on the east side of Danube Avenue (Danube Ave after Darwin Crescent) serviced by bus route 354 from Ballajura Train Station, on the Ellenbrook (red) train line. There is also a bus stop on the north side of Benara Road (Benara Road after Danube Ave), and a bus stop on the south side of Benara Road (Benara Road Before Danube Ave) serviced by bus route 350. To plan your journey by public transport, we recommend you visit or contact Transperth If getting off a bus on the south side of Benara Road, you can cross to the north side using a pedestrian crossing at the traffic lights at the intersection of Benara Road and Altone Road. It is a 6-minute walk from the Danube Avenue After Darwin Cr bus stop or an 8-minute walk from the Benara Road bus stop before Danube Avenue along a paved footpath to the charter bus bay pick up location at the Beechboro Community Hub. Accrod parking is available in the Beechboro Community Hub car park (6 bays).

Entry instructions

Upon arrival at the charter bus bay pick-up location, please look for the EMRC staff member who will be wearing a hi-visibility vest and a navy blue EMRC polo shirt uniform, greeting participants and checking registrations before guests board the bus.

After entry instructions

Guests are not assigned seats on the charter bus and can choose where to sit. The EMRC staff member will take a seat at the front of the bus.


Stairs, ramp, and pathways: Please note this is a charter bus tour and attendees are to remain on the bus for the duration of the site tour. Following the tour, the tour group will be invited to the Education Centre at Red Hill. The pathway from the bus parking bay to the toilets and the Education Centre includes sections of paving, small stairs, inclined ramps, and some loose gravel. Handrails are available along sections of stairs and along the access ramp into the Education Centre building. Please contact the Waste Education team to discuss any concerns you may have. Plants, animal activity and allergies: Snakes - Please note, in spring and summer, snakes may become active around the facility. If you see a snake while on the tour, in the toilets or Education Centre, please notify the tour guide immediately. In the unlikely event of an emergency situation, your tour guide is trained in first aid should an emergency arise. Bees, insects and plants – Bees and other insects may be active on site, as well as flowering plants year-round. Visitors that have any allergies such as bee stings or are anaphylactic must bring and carry their own Epipen with them. Weather and sun exposure: During the event, guests are indoors on a charter bus and/or inside the Education Centre and there is little time spent outside. Fully enclosed footwear is essential for all attendees for safety. Shoes must cover the toe, heel, top and side of the foot. We strongly recommend you wear long comfortable pants, sun protection, and please bring your own water bottle. Health and hygiene: All visitors are required to follow good hygiene practices. As this is a waste processing facility, visitors should wash their hands and/or use the hand sanitiser available on site, before/after going to the toilet or handling food or drink. Attendees should not touch any trees, plants, or any items you see on the ground, including litter. If you have any flu-like symptoms or are unwell, we ask that you cancel your order and do not attend the tour for the safety of others. No smoking: Smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes and vapes, is not permitted on the tour bus, in or around the toilets or Education Centre. If you need to smoke your tour guide will direct you to the appropriate zone at an appropriate time.

Toilet location

A unisex toilet (1 stall) is available on site at the Red Hill Waste Management Facility and is located in the Meeting Room, a short distance from the charter bus parking bay along a brick paved path. Female toilets (2 stalls) and male toilets (1 stall plus a urinal) is located in a separate tin building, a short distance from the charter bus parking bay along a brick paved path and a short set of 4 stairs with a handrail. 4 short stairs with a handrail. EMRC staff can direct guests as needed at Red Hill.