Choose your tickets
Walk 1 - 17th May - Blue Gum to Kilikanoon - Approx 8km ticket
FreeWalk 2 - 18th May - Sevenhill Hotel to Pauletts - Approx 9km ticket
FreeWalk 3 - 20th May - Blue Gum Lookout to Skillogalee - 6km ticket
FreeWalk 4 - 22nd May - Corner Farrell Flat Rd and Clampett Rd to Mr Micks - 7km ticket
FreeWalk 5 - Sevenhill Hotel to Pauletts - Approx 7km ticket
Please Donate to Trail Maintenance
$100 covers 1 fence stile, $50 covers 3 steel trail markers, $25 covers 1 timber trail marker
$100 covers 1 fence stile, $50 covers 3 steel trail markers, $25 covers 1 timber trail marker
Choose amount