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Climate Forum 2024 - Newcastle Watch Party

University of Newcastle
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Join us in person in Newcastle for the Climate Forum watch party on 6th September 2024

2024 represents a new world where global temperatures have breached the 1.5°C warming limit. This is attributed to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions of which 30-40% of it can be attributed to the building and construction industry.

As practitioners in the built environment, we are complicit in this.

The Climate Forum (CF) is a response to this complicity: to make space for dialogue on how we, in Australia and across the Asia Pacific, can tackle, adapt and build resiliency in a world of changing climate. CF recognises that communities need place-based design solutions and to provide these, architects need to think global and act local. To do this, we are bringing together built-environment practitioners and community members to share and connect on initiatives, success stories, and knowledge. 

The Climate Action in Australian Architectural Practice report is the starting point and the CF program builds on its six findings: Build Agency, Overcome Inertia, Advocate, Build Knowledge, Connect and Choose Hope.

Hosted in Brisbane (QLD, Australia), this is an online event designed by emerging researchers, architects and practitioners. It is supported by Arch Climate FuturesAustralian Architects DeclareParlour and ACAN Australia.


6th September 2024 from 2:00pm - 6:00pm AEST


Address: Lecture theatre ES203, Engineering Science (ES) University of Newcastle (Callaghan Campus), Australia

If you can't make it, please join us online on Zoom (get online tickets here).


This event is for everyone! Architects, designers, landscape architects, urban planners, those active in the built environment in other ways, and community members – we hope all will join us. 


Registration for this event is FREE so that we can track numbers for this in person event. And attendance for SABE students is free.

However tickets are required for practitioners and other guests at a variety of rates, including for Formal CPD points, and can be purchased through the online event registration page here.

Formal CPD will be available.

General: $60+gst

Members of ACAN/ AD/Parlour: $50+gst

Concession: Pay what you can  ($10+gst is the suggested amount to cover speaker remuneration and event digital post-production).

Concession pricing is available for students, those working part time, out of work, or anyone else that needs financial assistance.


2:00 PM - 2:10 PM

Acknowledgement of Country | Owen Cafe

2:10 PM - 2:20 PM

Introduction to the Forum: Build Agency | Dr Liz Brogden

2:20 PM- 3:00 PM

Overcome Inertia & Advocate | Chair: Emma Healy

Panel: Theresa BowerCarol MarraEllen Buttrose

3:00PM-3:15 PM

Break: Survey  

3:15 PM - 3:45 PM

Keynote Speaker: Dominique Chen

3:45 PM- 4:30 PM

Build Knowledge & Connect | Chair: Lucy Humphrey

Panel: Owen CafeBirdy BirdDr Anne Kovachevich

4:30 PM- 4:45 PM

Break: Survey

4:45 PM- 5:30 PM

Final Panel: How is change already happening?  | Chair: Hannah Holmen

Panel: Dr Kavita GonsalvesLibby Ba-PeClare Kennedy

5:30 PM- 5:45 PM

Closing Remarks:  Dr Liz Brogden

See website for more details:



Studio Ecology

Marra + Yeh


Landings Studio

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University of Newcastle