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Connecting Creatives - Arts & Health

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Event description

CQUniversity and Bundaberg Regional Council invites you to a networking evening featuring a conversational panel of guest speakers. 

Evidence is growing as to the benefits the arts can bring to health and wellbeing. This panel of speakers will explore the different ways the arts is being used to improve health outcomes across the Wide Bay and Burnett. As well as the potential development and employment opportunities this field is offering to artists and arts workers.

This event is a great opportunity for attendees to make new connections across the Health and Arts industries in Bundaberg.

Guest speakers include:

  • Danni Stranieri, Project Consultant- Arts in Health, Wide Bay Hospital & Health Service.
  • Shelley Pisani, Business Manager, Bridges Health Care & Community.
  • Dr Katrina Lane-Krebs, Lecturer- School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Sciences, CQUniversity.
  • Jolene Watson, Community Arts Development Officer and RADF Liaison, Bundaberg Regional Council.
  • Trudie Leigo, Regional Arts Manager, CQUniversity

This is a free event. Registrations are essential as refreshments will be served. Bookings close Friday 9 August 2024.

Contact: Trudie Leigo


This event has been made possible thanks to the support of Bundaberg Regional Council. The Regional Arts Services Network is an initiative of the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland. CQUniversity is serving as the Central Queensland RASN provider from 2022-2025.

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