
Event: Conscious Living Expo and New Earth Festival

General information

Contact name

Patricia Hamilton

Contact number

0418 955 396

Travel instructions

Travel by car and park for free in the University Car Park #1 Enter via the Main Entrance off Stirling Highway or Take the Bus from the City along Stirling Highway.

Entry instructions

Check-in at the Entrance to the Expo which is located at the corner of Winthrop Hall and Great Court North on Saw Avenue. You will need to register for Covid -19 purposes and sanitize your hands. There will be a poster with a QR Code which you can scan with your phone to have easy access to the Expo Map- the Exhibitor List and the Schedule for each of the Presentation Marquees

After entry instructions

You can go into the Undercroft to have sessions with the Health and Wellbeing Practitioners and browse for health products as well as just outside on the Verandah where you will find food and nutrition products to sample. Here you will find the food vendors as well. On the lawn, you will find the Earth Village marquees , the Main Stage where the music performances food and healing demonstrations take place. Here you can sit down at the Chai Conversation Cafe and enjoy a cup of tea. Over on the Western side of the lawn you will find the Workshop marquee with the keynote speaker workshops and talks. Down in the Southwest Corner you will find the Sound Temple marquee where the experiential sound healing sessions , meditations and ticketed workshops take place.

Toilet location

Toilets are open off the foyer in Winthrop Hall and in the Undercroft

Accessible parking

Car Parking is available in the University Grounds - Car Park #1 is the closest car park to the Winthrop Hall which has access for disabled parking and drop off. Car Park #2 and Car Park #3 are the next closest car parks.


The following accessibility features are provided at the event

Wheelchair accessibility