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Coolum Moon Walk for Our Moon's Mission: Cure SPG56!

Price FREE – $40 AUD Register

Event description

Calling ALL Sunshine Coasties to Tickle Park!

Be part of the first Community Moonwalk for local charity 'Our Moon's Mission' to cure the rare neurodegenerative disease SPG56 afflicting Coolum's five-year-old Tallulah Moon and kids like her.

Event Highlights:
• Full Moon Walk:
 a wheelchair friendly, family friendly moonlit walk from Tickle Park towards Point Arkwright with your Sunny Coast Community. Gather from 4 or 4.30pm to have a play, grab some raffle tickets and bring on the moonrise with live drumming before a 5pm out-and-back walk. 
• Circadian Rhythms Live Music:
From 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM the local drumming legends will be setting the scene for an evening of rhythm, picnic ambience and community spirit under the full moon.
• Sunny Coast Raffle- Tix included in registration!
 Hundreds of dollars of beautiful gifts, experiences and services generously donated from Sunshine Coast businesses in support of Our Moon's Mission. Raffle drawn at event. Get your Earlybird tickets before 10 July for automatic entry into exclusive 'Early Bird Prize' draw + general raffle

Go on! Get your mates and celebrate the brilliance of our local community under a magnificent full moon. Then grab a picnic dinner from local restaurants across the road or BYO picnic from home. 


This year's moonwalk magically coincides with the 56th anniversary of the historic moon landing on 21 July, 1969. Just as humanity achieved the extraordinary feat of landing on the moon (SPG)56 years ago we are determined to conquer and cure SPG56. The science is there but the funds are not, and we couldn't be blessed with a more inspiring date to make this moonshot possible! 

The Moonwalk will bring together friends, families, and community all over the globe, hosting epic moonwalks walk under the full moon for Our Moon's Mission. 

Tallulah Moon lives in Coolum so please join us for this special event with the SPG56 beacon of hope, Tallulah Moon herself! 


Our ACNC registered charity Genetic Cures for Kids has been dedicatedly funding genetic research for three years through our first mission 'Our Moon's Mission'. Our goal is to find a cure for Tallulah Moon's ultra-rare neurodegenerative disease, SPG56 in time for her and children in her position. Though it may seem like a moonshot, it IS possible.

The challenge in developing treatments for rare diseases lies not in scientific capabilities but in the lack of pharmaceutical support. Small patient populations make it difficult for businesses to profit, leaving parents to navigate the rare disease research journey alone.

Thanks to the monumental efforts of research teams in Australia and the USA, we are now poised to manufacture a gene therapy slated for clinical trial that could cure SPG56. This is a historic moment, addressing an urgent unmet need for a progressive disease that, until now, had no treatment options. Families like ours have been left fearing the future for our children.

Help us make this possible! We need your support to fundraise for the manufacturing of the medicine that could cure SPG56 in time for Tallulah and other children in her position.

Our Moon's Mission needs $3M to make the gene therapy medicine for clinical trials for these kids. 

Roll with us under the moon on this serendipitous night and let's make this moonshot to cure SPG56 a reality.

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Tickets for good, not greed Humanitix dedicates 100% of profits from booking fees to charity