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Circles for the Sensitive - June

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Our Purpose:

Circles for the Sensitive aims to give us a regular space to gather in circle to share our experiences, learn about our unique gifts and recharge our energy so we can use our extraordinary sensitivity to make a difference in the world, which is what many of us yearn for. It is envisioned that we will co-create a community of empowered sensitive people.


Mostly the third Thursday of every month


Many sensitive people are empaths. Empaths are people who are highly sensitive to the emotions of those around them. We don’t just recognise others’ emotions; we can tune into the experience of others intuitively and feel other’s emotions in our own bodies. Being an empath is a psychic gift that many intuitive and gifted people have, often without even knowing it!

To find out if you are an empath, simply complete Dr. Judith Orloff’s quiz. If you are an empath in the local area, come join our movement which aims to develop empowered empaths.  If you are not in our local area, join our Facebook page and Group “Circles for the Sensitive” where we will all share our experiences and learning so that you can become an empowered empath. An empowered empath utilises their gifts to fulfil their purpose. It’s not easy to do this by yourself as being an empath has its challenges.

According to Dr. Judith Orloff, author of The Empath’s Survival Guide, and Essential Tools for Empaths, when overwhelmed with stressful emotions, empaths might experience panic attacks, depression, chronic fatigue, and physical symptoms that defy traditional medical diagnosis; she writes.

“For empaths, this ability is both a gift and a curse. It can be hard because many empaths feel that they cannot “turn it off,” or it takes them years to develop ways to turn it down when needed. As a result, an empath can find themselves going from perfectly happy to overwhelmed with stress, anxiety, or other feelings simply because someone else walked into the room.”

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