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    Creating change for climate: how to find and communicate effective climate solutions

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    Some actions have a much greater impact on climate change than others. Research published in the Journal of Economic Perspectives found that the top 2.5 percent of interventions are 8 times more effective per dollar than the average intervention. This means focusing our dollars and time on the right interventions is even more important than doubling our efforts. 

    Join Effective Altruism Melbourne at this free webinar with four leaders in high-impact climate philanthropy and research:

    • Rebecca Huntley, author of How to Talk About Climate Change in a Way that Makes a Difference
    • Jack Rafferty, Manager of Climate Giving at Giving Green
    • Alexandria Rantino, Chief Operating Officer at Climate200
    • Luke Freeman, Executive Director at Giving What We Can 

    As we approach the end-of-financial-year giving season, this event aims to inspire positive impact by highlighting some of the most important and practical solutions to climate change, and how you can help.

    Our speakers will share their insights on:

    • Which philanthropic organisations have the greatest impact on preventing the harms from climate change? And why is it so crucial to give based on effectiveness?
    • How can political leadership can inspire climate action?
    • How can we effectively communicate climate solutions?

    Time: Thursday, 20th of June, 12:00pm-1:00pm AEST

    Moderated by:

    Dr Rebecca Huntley is one of Australia’s foremost researchers on social trends and a Fellow of the Research Society of Australia. Her research has focussed on climate change and the environment. Rebecca was the Director of The Mind & Mood Report and integral to developing the Climate Compass Project. She has also authored several books including How to Talk About Climate Change in a Way that Makes a Difference. 


    Jack Rafferty is the Manager of Climate Giving at Giving Green, a climate charity evaluator which seeks to identify some of Australia’s most promising philanthropic strategies to address climate change. Prior to working at Giving Green, Jack founded Lead Exposure Elimination Project - an international NGO working to address lead poisoning, globally. He has won a Chicago Innovation Prize for his work on climate technologies, and was named as one of Vox’s Future Perfect 50 for his work preventing lead poisoning in the developing world. 

    Alexandria Rantino is the Chief Operating Officer at Climate 200, a crowd-funded initiative that supports political candidates committed to a science-based approach to climate change and to restoring integrity in politics. Alex has pursued climate action throughout her entire career, including as a Paris Agreement negotiator and a policy adviser at DFAT, the Climate Change Authority and United Nations Environment Programme. Alex is a qualified lawyer with honours degrees in law and media and communications at Melbourne University.

    Luke Freeman manages Giving What We Can, a global community dedicated to giving effectively and significantly. Over 8,000 members have taken the Giving What We Can pledge to give 10% of their lifetime income to effective charities. Luke was previously part of the early team at Sendle, Australia's first technology B-Corp, and he co-founded Positly. He is personally committed to giving effectively and significantly and is a proud member of both Giving What We Can and Founders Pledge.

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