Lee Salisbury is well known and respected by many in the swimming pool industry Australia-wide.
Along with her husband Scott, Lee owned and operated a swimming pool retail and service business for 25 years. During that time they have developed their venture from scratch to become a highly successful, multi-award winning business. Their numerous awards and accolades include many state and national awards, from both national industry bodies and national/international suppliers - including National Retail Person of the Year, Pool Shop of the Year, a supplier Hall of Fame and an international Presidents Award. These many awards are a recognition of Lee’s hard work and achievements in not only her own business but also her dedication to the swimming pool industry itself.
Lee's passion for the Swimming Pool Industry is palpable. She has extensive industry knowledge and experience - is a fully licensed and certified pool and spa technician, a qualified trainer and holds a dual Diploma in Business and Business Leadership & Management, and has also been a valued member of advisory groups. Lee see’s education and training as paramount in lifting the profile of the retail and service sides of our industry as a respected and professional trade.
Along with a desire to help lift the professionalism of our industry, Lee is passionate about business excellence and helping others develop and grow their businesses, helping them to work on their business not just in it. Her passion is infectious and you cannot help but be drawn in and motivated by her enthusiasm and ‘outside the square’ ideas. Through her new venture 'The Pool Shop Coach', Lee works with other pool shops and service businesses providing mentoring and coaching services – some of which have gone on to be industry award winners.
On a personal note - since selling their much loved business in June 2023, they plan to travel the country in a caravan, Lee will be working with IRLearning, SPASA and coaching clients remotely and in person. Keep an eye out - they will likely visit your area soon and may just drop by to say hello!