Choose your tickets
Sustainability Rate ticket
By choosing this rate, you support us to cover the basic costs of the program. Thank you for supporting us to make this offering available. This rate may be for you, if you: …have the capacity to meet your basic financial needs …can pay your rent or mortgage and other monthly payments …are generally able to purchase new items and experiences for yourself …can afford to take trips and go on trainings.
By choosing this rate, you support us to cover the basic costs of the program. Thank you for supporting us to make this offering available. This rate may be for you, if you: …have the capacity to meet your basic financial needs …can pay your rent or mortgage and other monthly payments …are generally able to purchase new items and experiences for yourself …can afford to take trips and go on trainings.
$825.00+ Sales tax + $20.57 feeSupporting Rate ticket
By choosing this rate, you directly support us to offer below-cost rates to participants with limited income. Thank you for supporting others to take part! This rate may be for you, if you… …own your own home and/or live comfortably without financial worry …have investments and savings or have received an inheritance …have access to money in times of need or emergencies …have the desire to help make this work more accessible to others
By choosing this rate, you directly support us to offer below-cost rates to participants with limited income. Thank you for supporting others to take part! This rate may be for you, if you… …own your own home and/or live comfortably without financial worry …have investments and savings or have received an inheritance …have access to money in times of need or emergencies …have the desire to help make this work more accessible to others
$895.00+ Sales tax + $22.23 feeGenerosty Rate ticket
By choosing this rate, you directly support us to offer below-cost rates to participants with limited income through our scholarship program. Thank you for your generosity!
By choosing this rate, you directly support us to offer below-cost rates to participants with limited income through our scholarship program. Thank you for your generosity!
From $925.00Supported Rate ticket
If you have limited financial capacity, you may wish to choose this rate. The contributions we receive at this level go toward covering costs and are supported by contributions at the Supporting and Generosity Rate. This rate may be for you, if you… …stress about meeting your basic needs, but still regularly achieve them. …may have some debt, but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs. …may have access to some financial savings and/or some expendable income.
If you have limited financial capacity, you may wish to choose this rate. The contributions we receive at this level go toward covering costs and are supported by contributions at the Supporting and Generosity Rate. This rate may be for you, if you… …stress about meeting your basic needs, but still regularly achieve them. …may have some debt, but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs. …may have access to some financial savings and/or some expendable income.
$675.00+ Sales tax + $17.01 feeAccess Rate ticket
If you have extremely limited financial capacity and paying for this workshop would be a significant hardship, you may wish to choose this rate. The contributions we receive at this level go toward covering costs and are subsidized by contributions at the Supporting and Generosity Rate.
If you have extremely limited financial capacity and paying for this workshop would be a significant hardship, you may wish to choose this rate. The contributions we receive at this level go toward covering costs and are subsidized by contributions at the Supporting and Generosity Rate.
$595.00+ Sales tax + $15.11 fee