
Event: Cygnet Folk Festival

General information

Contact name

Volunteers at the Information Stand will assist with any questions you have. Located at Paved Paradise (Mary St Car Park).

Entry instructions

The festival Box Office is located in St James Catholic College. Park on George St and use the ramp located at the top of Loongana Park to access Tin Pan Alley (school quadrangle).


The Supper Room is located up stairs in the Town Hall and does not have wheelchair accessibility.

Toilet location

Loongana Park St James Catholic College Town Hall RSL Scout Hall (located in the festival campground) Red Velvet Lounge Carmel Hall

Accessible parking

Mary St, in front of the Library (available after 5PM on Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday) Mary St Car Park - ask the traffic control volunteers at the entrance to provide access George St - behind St. James Catholic College - ask the traffic control volunteers to provide access


The following accessibility features are provided at the event

Wheelchair accessibility