Event: Deep Waves April 5Rhythms Dance w/ Layah
General information
Contact name
Contact number
Entry instructions
Roncesvalles United Church is wheelchair accessible via the ramp entrance through the parking lot off Roncesvalles.
After entry instructions
A crew person will greet you at the door, take attendance, and show you where the studio and washrooms are.
None that we are aware of.
Toilet location
There is one accessible washroom on the main floor (same level as the studio).
More Info
The lighting in the studio is dimmed. Teacher uses a microphone to speak over music. We have heard from some participants with hearing loss, that the teacher's instructions can at times be challenging to hear, with the combination of music and spoken words. Please know that some instruction will be given when there's no music playing, and, it's not imperative to hear all instructions that are given over the mic, in order to have a meaningful movement experience at this class. The most important thing is to listen to your own body while you move. We are committed to making this class as accessible as possible. Please reach out if you have any questions about your particular circumstances. We will endeavour to meet the needs of all who wish to participate.