Music and History Sail on the Lady Nelson, 1pm, Adult ticket
An afternoon sail on the Derwent river on the magnificent tall ship, the Lady Nelson, 12:40 for 1pm-3pm, with refreshments, live music, shanty singing and history. Elizabeth St Pier, Hobart waterfront. Regency, formal or nautical attire admired but not required. Ticket not included in weekend ticket. Allow plenty of time if parking a carriage - it is hard to find a spot.
An afternoon sail on the Derwent river on the magnificent tall ship, the Lady Nelson, 12:40 for 1pm-3pm, with refreshments, live music, shanty singing and history. Elizabeth St Pier, Hobart waterfront. Regency, formal or nautical attire admired but not required. Ticket not included in weekend ticket. Allow plenty of time if parking a carriage - it is hard to find a spot.