Discover your Inner Compass
Event description
Discovering your Inner Compass or Ikigai can really impact your life
- Are you a bit lost with where to go or what to do?
- Are you feeling a bit stuck?
- What is your reason to get out of bed every morning?
- Do you feel like you've kinda outgrown your current situation and ready for something new, but you're not sure where to start?
Ikigai is about finding your purpose in life.
If you feel you are already doing something that's aligned with your purpose, and you are motivated daily - then you may have already found your Ikigai or inner compass.
But, if you're like the majority of people, and don't think this is the case, that's perfectly fine too!
Why is it this important?
Well, It helps you understand why you want something.
Why are you chasing those dreams...?
why are you staying in your current career...?
why do you have a desire to keep travelling...?
Understanding your reasons why will bring internal and lasting motivation, rather than some passing motivation - such as buying something new, or watching an inspiring video.
What would be the reason to do all of this?
Well, when you are doing something that you like + you care about + and are good at = you will naturally be happier, and you are more likely to stick with it.
So, what to expect?
Join me, Anna Petchell and discover your inner compass, and what directs you in your life.
This workshop will be intimate and interactive and FUN!
The number of attendees is strictly limited to 30 places.
We start at 8pm NZ time sharp. Please show up online 5 minutes early.
- I am all in on YOU getting results - so I ask that you be ALL IN too.
- Come ready to explore.
- I ask that you come CURIOUS and OPEN to creating a shift in your own life.
- Let's create an incredible energy to grow and shift and learn together.
- It will be 90mins on Zoom in a group setting.
What's the benefit of showing up?
When you start to understand who you are and discover your inner compass, it makes finding out what to do with your life so much easier and you can live a life of joy and happiness.
It is believed that the people from Okinawa in Japan live to be some of the oldest in the world (more people in this region live to be 100), because they live by their Ikigai and have a purpose or reason to live.
Finding your inner compass or your Ikigai, is really about finding yourself and creating a life you
desire, one that truly aligns with what you value most.
Series of workshops
This is part of Anna's series of workshops around discovering your new life.
1 - Discover your inner compass or Ikigai.
2 - Draw your ideal future - Create your preference sheet.
3 - Create a passage plan. Establish goals and work towards them.
4 - What's weighing your anchor down? How to identify and let go of limiting beliefs.
5 - Getting your transition tool kit together. What do you need for a transition?
You can choose to do all of these in order, or alternatively do individually in your own time.
Check out facebook (
or for more info.
Who's Anna and what's she about?
Anna loves helping Super Yacht crew to 'find their inner compass and design their ideal lives after yachting as well as creating a plan to get there'. However, she found that many others were struggling with similar problems of not knowing where to go or what to do, and feeling a bit stuck.
Now she helps people from all different backgrounds who are going through career and life transitions. Anna is an AC Accredited Coach with a Transition Coaching background.
She spent 8 years in the Super Yacht industry herself, working on deck and prior to that spent 7 years in the television industry, so has been through a few transitions herself worked and lived alongside people who were really struggling with not knowing.
She loves travel, kitesurfing and snowboarding, amazing foods, helping people and cleaning up the world - one piece of litter at a time.
Join Anna on Facebook and Instagram @Apetchellcoaching or for more visit
**Additionally Anna is a huge fan of supporting those who don't have access to basic human resources. So for this event, part proceeds are going towards disadvantaged girls. So a huge huge thank you for being part of that!
Tickets for good, not greed Humanitix dedicates 100% of profits from booking fees to charity