The CORRIDOR project [TCP] is a not-for-profit organisation, registered for type 1 DGR tax deductions. Our organisation relies on support to deliver our annual public program that directly supports community, artists, curators, and First Nation initiatives.
The CORRIDOR project [TCP] provides a platform for residence, education, cultural pursuits, and/or research, where alternative methodologies can be explored and developed.
Over the past 10 years the CORRIDOR project has developed a reputation for delivering innovative public arts and cultural programs that directly supports regional and metropolitan communities and artists to ideate, develop and produce new work for exhibitions, events and public place making initiatives.
We celebrate and encourage cross cultural exchange through domestic and international artist-in-residence programs, events, workshops, educational programs - arts/culture/science, local and international partnered initiatives.
If you wish to find out further or would like to contact us directly email us at e:
We appreciate your support and donation, view targeted programs here:
$10.00 Annual Program - General includes: artist-in-residency, events, workshops, professional and skills development, professional development training
$25.00 Annual Program - General includes: artist-in-residency, events, workshops, professional and skills development, professional development training
$50.00 Provide support for visual, performance, and multi-disciplinary artists for TCP artist-in-residency program
$50.00 Provide materials for community and youth delivered as arts and cultural workshops
$100.00 Support artists and arts-workers to develop and facilitate accessible Youth holiday programs in a unique natural environment
$200.00 Sponsor a regional artist towards an artist-in-residency program both domestic and international [NOTE: Artist Selection is determined through application, and panel assessment]
$500.00 Sponsor TCP curated annual community event for National Science Week - ERTHWRX24 that includes panel talks and exhibitions involving x20 artists and x12 panellists
$0.00 Choose your own
A BIG Thank-you from The Corridor Project
The CORRIDOR project [TCP] is a not-for-profit organisation, registered for type 1 DGR tax deductions. Our organisation relies on support to deliver our annual public program that directly supports community, artists, curators, and First Nation initiatives.
The CORRIDOR project [TCP] provides a platform for residence, education, cultural pursuits, and/or research, where alternative methodologies can be explored and developed.
Over the past 10 years the CORRIDOR project has developed a reputation for delivering innovative public arts and cultural programs that directly supports regional and metropolitan communities and artists to ideate, develop and produce new work for exhibitions, events and public place making initiatives.
We celebrate and encourage cross cultural exchange through domestic and international artist-in-residence programs, events, workshops, educational programs - arts/culture/science, local and international partnered initiatives.
If you wish to find out further or would like to contact us directly email us at e:
We appreciate your support and donation, view targeted programs here:
$10.00 Annual Program - General includes: artist-in-residency, events, workshops, professional and skills development, professional development training
$25.00 Annual Program - General includes: artist-in-residency, events, workshops, professional and skills development, professional development training
$50.00 Provide support for visual, performance, and multi-disciplinary artists for TCP artist-in-residency program
$50.00 Provide materials for community and youth delivered as arts and cultural workshops
$100.00 Support artists and arts-workers to develop and facilitate accessible Youth holiday programs in a unique natural environment
$200.00 Sponsor a regional artist towards an artist-in-residency program both domestic and international [NOTE: Artist Selection is determined through application, and panel assessment]
$500.00 Sponsor TCP curated annual community event for National Science Week - ERTHWRX24 that includes panel talks and exhibitions involving x20 artists and x12 panellists
$0.00 Choose your own
A BIG Thank-you from The Corridor Project