
Event: Earth Day/ Birthday Party Part 5

General information

Contact name

Todd Roy

Contact number


Travel instructions

Early parking will be at the Knights of Columbus, 1575 New Danville Pike, Lancaster. Overflow parking will be at Millersville Bible Church, 1940 New Danville Pike, Lancaster. An event volunteer will be at the overflow parking area to coordinate shuttle to registration at the Knights of Columbus.

Entry instructions

Upon arrival at the registration area, participants will be directed to sign in lines that correspond to your ticket type. As part of sign in, we have gloves, bags, buckets (for sharp stuff), pickers, and reflective vests for roadside clean up volunteers. From there volunteers will be shuttled to the appropriate work sites which are: in river clean up, shore line support to help transition trash from river to shore, roadside clean up and illegal dumping site areas, invasive foliage removal at Windolph Preserve, and community efforts in Windolph Landing. If you’re part of a group that wants to work together, please make sure our transportation coordinator knows. We attempt to make this process as smooth and efficient as possible because we value your time and commitment to celebrating through service this wonderful place we call home. If at any point you have questions, look for a volunteer with a bright yellow bandana, they are our Wrecking Crew Team, and they are glad to help.

After entry instructions

As the worksites wrap up around 11;30, you will be transported back to the Knights of Columbus where our traditional pizza, beer (and other beverages) and Birthday cup cake will be served. It is very important that you sign back out as you leave. With so many volunteers at so many work sites, we need to be 100% positive that all are accounted for. For those who do not wish to stay for lunch, please stick around for a group photo. Regular shuttle will be available back to overflow parking at Millersville Bible Church.


We offer volunteer opportunities for all ages, levels of physical ability, and personal comfort levels. Please be aware however that other than road way surfaces, the ground conditions will vary with steep and muddy embankments, rocky surfaces, and noxious weeds like poison ivy, stinging nettles, thorn bushes, and biting insects. Those who choose to go in the water for waste removal should dress appropriately for water exposure, average water temperature is 45° F. Average water depth is 4’ with occasional deeper spots. Boat crew site leads will determine day of safety measures and may elect to exclude in the water activities.

Toilet location

There will be accessible sanitation facilities near registration.

Accessible parking

Limited handicap accessible parking is available at the Knights of Columbus