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19th Annual Emerging Farmers Conference

Fri Nov 1st 2024, 12:00 pm - Sat Nov 2nd 2024, 5:00 pm CDT

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  1. Farmer Tickets

    Friday sessions are for farmers only. If you are attending both days, select a 'Farmer Friday & Saturday" bundle for each person that includes the Friday class you want to take. If only attending 1 day, select 1 course if you're coming Friday or the Saturday Farmer ticket if you're attending Saturday.

    1. Farmer Friday & Saturday- Policy Deep Dive: Learn to use policy to get resources and representation

      *There is not cost for this Friday session. Agricultural policy deeply affects farmers and the condition of our food system. Everything from land access to organic growing standards to FSA loans are affected by policy decisions made at every level. Join us for a deep dive into how BIPOC farmers can effectively make their voices heard. We will spend some time creating safe spaces to process the political climate, then move into action and harness our collective advocacy power. We will explore the landscape of agricultural policy, such as the farm bill and MN state policies, how they affect farmers, and what changes we can make. You will leave with a better understanding of federal policy, state policy and county policy, and how to make your voice heard at every level. Meet other local organizations that facilitate policy training and how to engage. Hear from other farmers who have testified and engaged in the legislative process, and gain the tools to ask your legislator for what you need. This session will serve as preparation for a listening session with elected officials on Saturday.

      *There is not cost for this Friday session. Agricultural policy deeply affects farmers and the condition of our food system. Everything from land access to organic growing standards to FSA loans are affected by policy decisions made at every level. Join us for a deep dive into how BIPOC farmers can effectively make their voices heard. We will spend some time creating safe spaces to process the political climate, then move into action and harness our collective advocacy power. We will explore the landscape of agricultural policy, such as the farm bill and MN state policies, how they affect farmers, and what changes we can make. You will leave with a better understanding of federal policy, state policy and county policy, and how to make your voice heard at every level. Meet other local organizations that facilitate policy training and how to engage. Hear from other farmers who have testified and engaged in the legislative process, and gain the tools to ask your legislator for what you need. This session will serve as preparation for a listening session with elected officials on Saturday.

    2. Farmer Friday & Saturday- Climate Adaptation for Emerging Farmers: How farmers can plan for a changing climate

      Our changing climate influences both long-term and day-to-day farm management decisions. In this session, learn about what changes to our climate we have already seen, what scientists expect for future temperature, precipitation, and extreme weather patterns, and hear how other farmers are coping with the stressors of climate change. We will share research about farmer health and safety, ways to improve farm resilience, and experiences from farmers who are already using resilience strategies. Learn about infrastructure options, funding programs, and techniques for supporting resilient farming in the upper Midwest. By the end of the session, you will be able to take home ideas and craft a climate resilience plan for your farm operation.

      Our changing climate influences both long-term and day-to-day farm management decisions. In this session, learn about what changes to our climate we have already seen, what scientists expect for future temperature, precipitation, and extreme weather patterns, and hear how other farmers are coping with the stressors of climate change. We will share research about farmer health and safety, ways to improve farm resilience, and experiences from farmers who are already using resilience strategies. Learn about infrastructure options, funding programs, and techniques for supporting resilient farming in the upper Midwest. By the end of the session, you will be able to take home ideas and craft a climate resilience plan for your farm operation.

    3. Farmer Friday & Saturday: Farm Finances: How to manage farm costs and plan a budget for profitability

      This workshop track is designed to empower farmers to start their farm business from a financially grounded place, and guide farmers who have already started their business with possible next steps towards financial sustainability. The topics to be covered in this workshop include: (1) Developing a business plan: How will you finance for your farm (self-finance with farm funds, self-finance with non-farm funds like off-farm income or crowd-funding, apply for grants or loans); What crops will you grow; Where you are going to sell your products (what percentage will be wholesale or direct to consumer routes) - pros/cons of each point of sale; How much will you sell your products for (pricing); Calculating projected profitability (2) Telling your story and farm goals: Why and how to tell your unique story and including this in grant and/or loan applications. Attendees will brainstorm and begin to draft their narratives. Use real applications as examples, such as NRCS grants and FSA microloans. (3) Planning for taxes: Schedule F for individuals, LLCs, co-ops Participants in this workshop would leave with financial toolboxes (either physical or electronic) of budgeting templates, pricing guides, draft documents for grant or loans. On Saturday there will be the Farmer Experiences with Funding session that would provide more specific grant or loan options available.

      This workshop track is designed to empower farmers to start their farm business from a financially grounded place, and guide farmers who have already started their business with possible next steps towards financial sustainability. The topics to be covered in this workshop include: (1) Developing a business plan: How will you finance for your farm (self-finance with farm funds, self-finance with non-farm funds like off-farm income or crowd-funding, apply for grants or loans); What crops will you grow; Where you are going to sell your products (what percentage will be wholesale or direct to consumer routes) - pros/cons of each point of sale; How much will you sell your products for (pricing); Calculating projected profitability (2) Telling your story and farm goals: Why and how to tell your unique story and including this in grant and/or loan applications. Attendees will brainstorm and begin to draft their narratives. Use real applications as examples, such as NRCS grants and FSA microloans. (3) Planning for taxes: Schedule F for individuals, LLCs, co-ops Participants in this workshop would leave with financial toolboxes (either physical or electronic) of budgeting templates, pricing guides, draft documents for grant or loans. On Saturday there will be the Farmer Experiences with Funding session that would provide more specific grant or loan options available.

    4. Farmer Friday & Saturday: Navigating Soil Health & Production on Rented Land

      One of the most important aspects of a farm is soil health. But if you are on a small plot, incubator farm, or rented land it can be hard to justify using cover crops that take away space that could be used to make money. Investing in soil health is important even for farmers in rented land. Hear from Global Greens farmers in the field basic soil health practices they implement with success! Soil health is more than just applying fertilizer and inputs. What are 3 ways you can use cover crops that are inexpensive and don't interrupt your growing cycles? What other ways can you build soil on small plots? Farmer and soil researcher Tiffany LaShae will show farmers practical ways to evaluate and understand the soil of your plot. Learn from her about soil formation, soil texture, pH, and how these soil properties affect nutrient availability and management practices. Adria Fernandez of the Grossman Soil Agroecology Lab at the University of Minnesota will break down lab testing for soil nutrient analysis and how you can use testing information to influence management. Farmers on rented land can improve their soil health and nutrient availability by understanding the soil they are working with, and techniques to improve the health of their plot even if they will not be there long term.

      One of the most important aspects of a farm is soil health. But if you are on a small plot, incubator farm, or rented land it can be hard to justify using cover crops that take away space that could be used to make money. Investing in soil health is important even for farmers in rented land. Hear from Global Greens farmers in the field basic soil health practices they implement with success! Soil health is more than just applying fertilizer and inputs. What are 3 ways you can use cover crops that are inexpensive and don't interrupt your growing cycles? What other ways can you build soil on small plots? Farmer and soil researcher Tiffany LaShae will show farmers practical ways to evaluate and understand the soil of your plot. Learn from her about soil formation, soil texture, pH, and how these soil properties affect nutrient availability and management practices. Adria Fernandez of the Grossman Soil Agroecology Lab at the University of Minnesota will break down lab testing for soil nutrient analysis and how you can use testing information to influence management. Farmers on rented land can improve their soil health and nutrient availability by understanding the soil they are working with, and techniques to improve the health of their plot even if they will not be there long term.

    5. Farmer Friday only: Policy Deep Dive: Learn to use policy to get resources and representation

      *There is not cost for this Friday session. Agricultural policy deeply affects farmers and the condition of our food system. Everything from land access to organic growing standards to FSA loans are affected by policy decisions made at every level. Join us for a deep dive into how BIPOC farmers can effectively make their voices heard. We will spend some time creating safe spaces to process the political climate, then move into action and harness our collective advocacy power. We will explore the landscape of agricultural policy, such as the farm bill and MN state policies, how they affect farmers, and what changes we can make. You will leave with a better understanding of federal policy, state policy and county policy, and how to make your voice heard at every level. Meet other local organizations that facilitate policy training and how to engage. Hear from other farmers who have testified and engaged in the legislative process, and gain the tools to ask your legislator for what you need. This session will serve as preparation for a listening session with elected officials on Saturday.

      *There is not cost for this Friday session. Agricultural policy deeply affects farmers and the condition of our food system. Everything from land access to organic growing standards to FSA loans are affected by policy decisions made at every level. Join us for a deep dive into how BIPOC farmers can effectively make their voices heard. We will spend some time creating safe spaces to process the political climate, then move into action and harness our collective advocacy power. We will explore the landscape of agricultural policy, such as the farm bill and MN state policies, how they affect farmers, and what changes we can make. You will leave with a better understanding of federal policy, state policy and county policy, and how to make your voice heard at every level. Meet other local organizations that facilitate policy training and how to engage. Hear from other farmers who have testified and engaged in the legislative process, and gain the tools to ask your legislator for what you need. This session will serve as preparation for a listening session with elected officials on Saturday.

    6. Farmer Friday only: Climate Adaptation for Emerging Farmers: How farmers can plan for a changing climate

      Our changing climate influences both long-term and day-to-day farm management decisions. In this session, learn about what changes to our climate we have already seen, what scientists expect for future temperature, precipitation, and extreme weather patterns, and hear how other farmers are coping with the stressors of climate change. We will share research about farmer health and safety, ways to improve farm resilience, and experiences from farmers who are already using resilience strategies. Learn about infrastructure options, funding programs, and techniques for supporting resilient farming in the upper Midwest. By the end of the session, you will be able to take home ideas and craft a climate resilience plan for your farm operation.

      Our changing climate influences both long-term and day-to-day farm management decisions. In this session, learn about what changes to our climate we have already seen, what scientists expect for future temperature, precipitation, and extreme weather patterns, and hear how other farmers are coping with the stressors of climate change. We will share research about farmer health and safety, ways to improve farm resilience, and experiences from farmers who are already using resilience strategies. Learn about infrastructure options, funding programs, and techniques for supporting resilient farming in the upper Midwest. By the end of the session, you will be able to take home ideas and craft a climate resilience plan for your farm operation.

    7. Farmer Friday only: Farm Finances: How to manage farm costs and plan a budget for profitability

      This workshop track is designed to empower farmers to start their farm business from a financially grounded place, and guide farmers who have already started their business with possible next steps towards financial sustainability. The topics to be covered in this workshop include: (1) Developing a business plan: How will you finance for your farm (self-finance with farm funds, self-finance with non-farm funds like off-farm income or crowd-funding, apply for grants or loans); What crops will you grow; Where you are going to sell your products (what percentage will be wholesale or direct to consumer routes) - pros/cons of each point of sale; How much will you sell your products for (pricing); Calculating projected profitability (2) Telling your story and farm goals: Why and how to tell your unique story and including this in grant and/or loan applications. Attendees will brainstorm and begin to draft their narratives. Use real applications as examples, such as NRCS grants and FSA microloans. (3) Planning for taxes: Schedule F for individuals, LLCs, co-ops Participants in this workshop would leave with financial toolboxes (either physical or electronic) of budgeting templates, pricing guides, draft documents for grant or loans. On Saturday there will be the Farmer Experiences with Funding session that would provide more specific grant or loan options available.

      This workshop track is designed to empower farmers to start their farm business from a financially grounded place, and guide farmers who have already started their business with possible next steps towards financial sustainability. The topics to be covered in this workshop include: (1) Developing a business plan: How will you finance for your farm (self-finance with farm funds, self-finance with non-farm funds like off-farm income or crowd-funding, apply for grants or loans); What crops will you grow; Where you are going to sell your products (what percentage will be wholesale or direct to consumer routes) - pros/cons of each point of sale; How much will you sell your products for (pricing); Calculating projected profitability (2) Telling your story and farm goals: Why and how to tell your unique story and including this in grant and/or loan applications. Attendees will brainstorm and begin to draft their narratives. Use real applications as examples, such as NRCS grants and FSA microloans. (3) Planning for taxes: Schedule F for individuals, LLCs, co-ops Participants in this workshop would leave with financial toolboxes (either physical or electronic) of budgeting templates, pricing guides, draft documents for grant or loans. On Saturday there will be the Farmer Experiences with Funding session that would provide more specific grant or loan options available.

    8. Farmer Friday only: Navigating Soil Health & Production on Rented Land

      One of the most important aspects of a farm is soil health. But if you are on a small plot, incubator farm, or rented land it can be hard to justify using cover crops that take away space that could be used to make money. Investing in soil health is important even for farmers in rented land. Hear from Global Greens farmers in the field basic soil health practices they implement with success! Soil health is more than just applying fertilizer and inputs. What are 3 ways you can use cover crops that are inexpensive and don't interrupt your growing cycles? What other ways can you build soil on small plots? Farmer and soil researcher Tiffany LaShae will show farmers practical ways to evaluate and understand the soil of your plot. Learn from her about soil formation, soil texture, pH, and how these soil properties affect nutrient availability and management practices. Adria Fernandez of the Grossman Soil Agroecology Lab at the University of Minnesota will break down lab testing for soil nutrient analysis and how you can use testing information to influence management. Farmers on rented land can improve their soil health and nutrient availability by understanding the soil they are working with, and techniques to improve the health of their plot even if they will not be there long term.

      One of the most important aspects of a farm is soil health. But if you are on a small plot, incubator farm, or rented land it can be hard to justify using cover crops that take away space that could be used to make money. Investing in soil health is important even for farmers in rented land. Hear from Global Greens farmers in the field basic soil health practices they implement with success! Soil health is more than just applying fertilizer and inputs. What are 3 ways you can use cover crops that are inexpensive and don't interrupt your growing cycles? What other ways can you build soil on small plots? Farmer and soil researcher Tiffany LaShae will show farmers practical ways to evaluate and understand the soil of your plot. Learn from her about soil formation, soil texture, pH, and how these soil properties affect nutrient availability and management practices. Adria Fernandez of the Grossman Soil Agroecology Lab at the University of Minnesota will break down lab testing for soil nutrient analysis and how you can use testing information to influence management. Farmers on rented land can improve their soil health and nutrient availability by understanding the soil they are working with, and techniques to improve the health of their plot even if they will not be there long term.

    9. Farmer Saturday only
  2. Non-Farmer tickets

    1. Friday Non-Farmer: Networking and Appetizers

      From 4-6pm Friday evening we'll have networking and snacks, and the exhibit hall will be open.

      From 4-6pm Friday evening we'll have networking and snacks, and the exhibit hall will be open.

    2. Saturday Non-Farmer ticket


Donate to help make the Emerging Farmers Conference happen!
Donate to help make the Emerging Farmers Conference happen!
$1.00 - $1000.00

Order summary

19th Annual Emerging Farmers Conference
Fri Nov 1st 2024, 12:00 pm - Sat Nov 2nd 2024, 5:00 pm CDT

Booking fees

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