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Unlocking Startup Success with Callaghan Innovation

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Event description

Are you curious how Callaghan Innovation, New Zealand's leading innovation agency, can help your startup thrive with funding, R&D support, and industry connections?

Join us for an exclusive 1-hour Zoom workshop with Sophie Wiltshire from Callaghan Innovation, designed to provide valuable insights and practical guidance for startups and founders in New Zealand. This workshop will explore how Callaghan Innovation can assist you in turning your innovative ideas into reality and accelerate your business growth.

Workshop Agenda:

  1. Introduction to Callaghan Innovation:
    • Overview of Callaghan Innovation and its mission to support innovation in New Zealand.
    • Key services and programs offered to startups and founders.
  2. How Callaghan Innovation Can Assist You:
    • Funding opportunities: Learn about grants, loans, and other financial support available for startups.
    • R&D support: Discover how Callaghan can help you with research and development to bring your product to market.
    • Expert advice and mentorship: Access to a network of industry experts and advisors to guide your business journey.
  3. Steps to Engage with Callaghan Innovation:
    • Eligibility criteria: What you need to qualify for various programs and services.
    • Application process: A step-by-step guide to applying for funding and support.
    • What to expect: Timelines, outcomes, and the level of support you can anticipate.
  4. Success Stories:
    • Real-life examples of startups that have benefited from Callaghan Innovation's support.
    • Lessons learned and tips for making the most of Callaghan's resources.
  5. Q&A Session:
    • An interactive 15-minute session where you can ask Sophie Wiltshire your burning questions.

Why Attend:
This workshop offers a unique opportunity to connect directly with an expert from Callaghan Innovation and gain a clear understanding of how Callaghan can help you achieve your business goals.

Host: Sophie Wiltshire, Customer Nagivator at Callaghan Innovation

Sophie is passionate about helping entrepreneurs innovate! As Customer Navigator at Callaghan Innovation, she connects entrepreneurs, innovators, and frontier ventures from Aotearoa with the agency’s products and wider ecosystem connections. With her expertise, Sophie empowers startups to navigate the innovation landscape and achieve their business goals.

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