Evolutionary Human Design
Event description
This course takes place over 4 full-day fortnightly sessions from 17th July to 28th August
Human Design is, I believe, an important evolutionary technology that allows us to more deeply understand who we are, our deepest gifts and potentials, and how we can effectively, and beautifully, work together in creating a better world.
In the coming days, when collaboration and tribal/community oriented living becomes increasingly important, knowing the unique ways we are different, and how to maximise for efficiency and synergy those unique differences will be essential.
Human Design gives us a base map to understand the typology of individuation.
I believe the next wave of thriving will be through collectives of highly individuated beings.
We need to simultaneously honour the radical differences in our energy outputs and distinct skillsets as well find ways for this energy and skill to flow between us in an increasingly organismic intelligence.
The whole becoming greater than the sum of its parts.
You becoming more vibrantly, naturally and effortlessly the magnificence of you, while also knowing how to interrelate with others on the same journey.
This system of understanding was channelled to the world in 1987 and since then has influenced hundreds of thousands, and likely many more, individuals in discovering themselves. The interest in this system is expanding, as useful and valid informational technologies tend to do.
Human Design can be thought of as an experiment. You learn your design, and then you experiment with living in accordance with it. If your life gets better, then the experiment has validity. After around five years of experimenting, I can say that I have found this system to have significant validity as it has improved, and continuous to improve, and validate, my own life in remarkable ways.
Whilst it is easy to just jump online, or on an app, and get your free profile and then read a bunch of articles about it, the true benefits come from a much deeper experiential investigation than that.
It’s one thing to know your design theoretically and cognitively, it is another thing to really ‘get it’ deep inside you, to embody and live it, and to watch the nature of your life, relationships and work change as a result. This takes time and practice.
The unique perspective that this course takes is the key focus on relationship. It’s not just about understanding your design as an individual, it’s about understanding your design within a relational field, and working together to unlock even deeper layers of embodiment.
When you know who you are, and you know who others are, and you know what can and can’t be changed, and what does and doesn’t work with each type… things get very interesting.
No longer do you have to force yourself to fit into some box, and no longer do you have to expect those in your life to act like you once thought they should.
Instead you start developing the incredible opportunity to collaborate as distinct individuals, each with an incredible and different set of attributes, gifts and challenges.
Relationships become less and less adversarial, less and less competitive, less and less misunderstood.
We let go of expecting the ways in which people 'should' be, according to socio-cultural conditioning and our own implicit beliefs based from our own typology, and instead embrace each other as the ways we are most designed to be.
You can’t really change the fundamental aspects of who you are, and you can’t change them about someone else... so let's stop trying to do that, and instead celebrate each other for the uniqueness that we already are.
In this course we start both living as a gift yourself, and seeing the unique gift in everyone else.
The course will take place over 4 Sundays, once a fortnight, for 2 months.
This long learning container gives us ample opportunity to reflect on, understand deeply, and embody the aspects of the design covered each session.
Each session will contain:
- Theory
- Relational activities (partner, pod and whole group work)
- Meditation
- Embodiment practices
There will also be pod work in between sessions to study aspects of the Gene Keys, as well as theory readings and supplementary video content.
Session 1 :: Sunday 17th July :: Aura, Authority, Lines and your Life's Work
This first session starts with the most fundamental elements of the Human Design BodyGraph.
We will look at each of the four main aura types: generators (and the sub-type manifesting generators), projectors, manifestors and reflectors. The aura type tends to demonstrate the energy capacity and form of each individual, as well as its unique function within the collective as demonstrated by their strategy.
Authority is the unique decision making process given by each design. Contrary to popular thought, the ways in which we are best designed to make decisions is different for each individual. Some of us are designed to feel our way to a decision, some are more intuitive and gut-based, some are instinctual and yet others may rely on their willpower or self-directed innate knowing to navigate most successfully through life.
With the strategy and authority we will be now ready to really enter this Human Design experiment.
Lines are an essential aspect of being that runs right throughout both the Human Design BodyGraph and the Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile. There are six lines in the hexagram and each line has a particular unique function. Depending on what line appears where in your design determines the personality function that tends to be displayed through that aspect.
We will explore the major features of each line, particularly as they relate to the conscious sun & earth as well as the unconscious sun & earth. This will enable us to have a lens to explore deeper aspects of the design as we continue.
Lastly we will begin our investigation of the Gene Keys with an overview and a narrowing focus into the Life's Work - what we are here to both individually work through as a major theme in this life, as well as toning the unique contribution we are here to offer the evolution of humanity.
Profile Panel :: TBD :: Exploring the 12 profiles
This is a bonus session we will do via Zoom (with an in-person option) as an opportunity to understand more about each of the 12 profiles (relating to the profile of conscious sun/earth and unconscious sun/earth).
These profiles are divided into the personal destiny (right angle) profiles: 1/3, 1/4, 2/4, 2/5, 3/5, 3/6, 4/6
And the transpersonal karma (left angle) profiles: 5/1, 5/2, 6/2, 6/3
As well as the fixed-fate (juxtaposition) profile: 4/1
We will be exploring these profiles in a panel format represented by course participants, allowing us to understand more deeply each profile as well as how they all fit together.
Anticipated at 2-3 hours depending on motivation from the group to go here
Session 2 :: Sunday 31st July :: Pressure, Awareness and your Personal Evolution
Session 2 takes us into the first five centres of the Human Design BodyGraph. First we will look at the pressure centres, that of the crown and the pressure to know and understand, and the root with the pressure to do and mutate. The three awareness centres are next to be explored with the instinctive present-moment knowing of the spleen, the emotional feeling knowing of the solar plexus, and the organising, processing and analytic awareness of the ajna.
The notion of the "not-self" will be discussed here, and how the mind can run amuck in hindering the natural living our design by believing the conditioning our bodies are constantly receiving from the world around us.
Lastly we will move to the next sphere in the Gene Keys activation sequence and begin an inquiry into the Sphere of Evolution. This sphere tends to represent the telos of our life, a force that is gently (and sometimes perhaps not so gently) tugging us forward in our growth. This sphere also tends to represent some of the major challenges we will tend to face and is less about needing to overcome, and rather how this challenge is used to fuel our evolution.
Session 3 :: Sunday 14th August :: Energy, Direction, Manifestation and Radiance
In this third session we finish our dive into the the remaining four centres of Human Design by looking at the nature of our own personal energy sources: sacral, emotional, root and ego, and how they are used to create reality through the power of the throat. Each design can be defined, with a predictable and discernible pattern of utility, or undefined with a more receptive and nebulous experience designed to learn, observe and absorb rather than enact.
We will investigate the distinct gates at each centre that form the energy moving into or out of the centres as to how that energy moves throughout a design. We will also explore a first glimpse into how this energy might move between us as beings in collaborative endeavours of creation. Ample time will be spent investigating the throat and it's essential role in manifestation and creation into reality, through the human voice and ability to speak thought into action. Finally for the centres in this session we will also explore what is described as the magnetic monopole of our being, that which guides us in direction and love, the G-centre.
The pathway of breakthrough in the Gene Keys takes us from the conscious, personality side of our prime gifts and into the non-conscious, design side with the Sphere of Radiance. This sphere dictates our health, vitality as well as functioning as a subtle instrument of intuition.
Session 4 :: Sunday 28th August :: Circuitry, Purpose and the Incarnation Cross
The final session in this course takes us into the world of circuitry. There are four main groupings of circuits in the Human Design BodyGraph: integration, tribal, individual and collective circuits broken up into 7 streams: being/doing, nurturing, working, empowering, creating, guiding and exploring.
The streams are composed of channels made of a gate on each end connecting one centre to another.
Knowing the dominant streams in our design gives a solid clue to our unique function and ideal situation within the greater collective, and as well as within groups of individuals.
We will be exploring this all within an investigation of the 36 channels in the BodyGraph.
The last Gene Keys sphere to be covered is the one of Purpose. This sphere suffuses our life's work with meaning and connects us to our higher purpose in this lifetime.
Combining all four spheres of the activation sequence together we arrive at our Incarnation Cross. A unified primary directive of our design, to be expressed in our own unique way.
Presenting Yourself :: TBD :: Bonus Integration Session
This final session may be done either in person or via Zoom call (depending on course participant preference). Here we will have an opportunity, after deep personal reflection throughout the entire course, to present your design to other participants.
Potentially we could do this over a dinner party, or in some other form depending on what the group wants.
We will take an opportunity, as an educational exercise, to explore and situate how our designs may function, organise and operate efficiently and harmoniously together.
The questions we will be asking are:
What is my personal function?
How does my function relate to others?
Learning Outcomes:
- Be able to read, interpret and understand your personal BodyGraph
- A deeper embodiment into the experimentation of your own design
- Be able to read, interpret and understand other people's BodyGraphs
- Opening into the contemplation of your Gene Keys activation sequence
- Understanding the flow of energy and awareness between you and others
- Begin the consideration of your unique fit within a greater collective
This course is suitable to both entire beginners to the system as well as more experienced investigators. We will be going through this material in a way you will have likely never encountered before, and the potential depth of experiential knowledge in this container will be significant.
The course is also suitable for both individuals just wanting to learn about embodying their own design, as well as those seeking to use it within a professional capacity as coaches, counsellors, chart readers, guides and even in an organisational capacity such as community leaders, business management and human resources.
We will be using two textbooks for this course:
- "The Definitive Book of Human Design: The Science of Differentiation" by Lynda Bunnell & Ra Uru Hu
(a pdf version will be provided, however I recommend getting the book if you want a thorough text book on the entire system) - "Gene Keys: Embracing your Higher Purpose" by Richard Rudd
(a kindle version is available to purchase above, however I also recommend having this amazing guide book)
Payment plans and low-income tickets are available, reach out personally to Damien to discuss.
If you can't come to every session, yet still want to attend, it is possible to miss sessions and just pay for what you do attend ($100 per session). Obviously it is ideal if you can come to all, yet if you can't that's ok and I'll still provide the resources for you to be able to catch up at least knowledge wise.
About the facilitator:
Damien has been facilitating interpersonal workshops and classes for ten years largely along the themes of authentic relating, circling and attachment theory and loves to bring a relational flavour to anything he offers. He has been studying Human Design for around 5 years both personally and privately and is delighted to be combining authentic relating, Human Design and the Gene Keys in service of both individual and collective evolution.
Tickets for good, not greed Humanitix dedicates 100% of profits from booking fees to charity