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The Final Four of 2024

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                                                The Final Four of 2024  

                             A Test of Faith. A Battle of Wills. A Future Unveiled.  

                            Astrological Guidance for September-December 2024 

                      with astrologer Pam Younghans and moderator Elsie Kerns  

                                   Monday, September 9, 2024 ~ $27.00 

            4 pm PDT | 5 pm MDT | 6 pm CDT | 7 pm EDT | 2300 UT | Midnight BST

THE FINAL FOUR MONTHS of 2024 promise to be powerful, memorable, and life-changing. Humanity will be tested and will face its shadow. But, as we each individually choose to bring light to the darkness, we will start to see glimmers of a brighter future.

In this 90-minute webinar, astrologer Pam Younghans will take us on a journey through the rest of 2024, sharing her insights into the planetary energies we will be working with. She will start with an overview of the larger trends and themes and then dive into the monthly calendars, going through what we can expect week by week. She’ll also talk a bit about Solar Maximum and the effects of solar flares and geomagnetic storms. Here are some of the highlights she will cover:

  • September: Hints of progress, strong idealism. Fateful events, heightened emotions. (Uranus-Pluto sextile, Lunar Eclipse, Saturn-Pluto semisquare)
  • October: Questions of ethics, tests of faith. Major endings and beginnings. Power struggles, control games. (Solar Eclipse, Pluto stations, Full Moon square Mars-Pluto)
  • November: A battle of wills. Surprises, breakdowns, and breakthroughs. Delays, tests, and restrictions. Social change intensifies. (Mars-Pluto opposition, Full Moon conjunct Uranus, Saturn stations, Pluto re-enters Aquarius)
  • December: Cleaning up what has been left unfinished. Outcomes are unclear and emotions are high. A dance between optimism and pessimism, between a focus on healing and an obsession with the wound. (Mercury and Mars retrograde, Neptune stations, Jupiter-Saturn square, Chiron stations)

PLEASE JOIN US! This webinar is for everyone, whether you are a newcomer to astrology or have spent years in study. Pam will use astrological terms but also explain them clearly.

Before the class, you will receive calendars for September-December so that you can use them for notetaking. And if you’re not able to attend live, no worries! Everyone who registers will receive replay links to the video, audio, and slideshow within 24 hours after the class airs.

QUESTIONS? The webinar will run for about 90 minutes. If you have any questions about registration or payment options (including PayPal, Venmo or Zelle), please get in touch with moderator Elsie Kerns at or 609.744.6787 (talk/text) EDT.  NOTEAll information, including your order confirmation, will come from ( or

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