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    Finding the Right Business Idea for You

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    Event description

    Are you searching for THAT business idea?

    Does one of these scenarios sound like you?

    - want to start a business but just not sure what it is
    - think you’d be great running a business but can’t pick from all your ideas  
    - have a business idea but don’t know if it will work
    - not sure how to step your concept into action
    - started a business but need some focus on what you want to achieve

    Entrepreneurship Facilitator Anne-Marie Walton is a living example of taking your life experience and turning it into a business and career opportunity

    At this online workshop, you’ll learn how to:

    - discover your skills, experiences, strengths, and weakness
    - unpack your interests, ideas, barriers, and opportunities
    - pull it all together to help discover and refine your business idea
    - take the next steps to make your new business idea a reality

    *Please register to receive the Zoom workshop details.

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