SGLN Fund The South Gippsland Landcare Fund was set up in 2009. Through community action, the fund helps to preserve, protect and enhance the long-term sustainability of farming and the environment in South Gippsland. 100% of donated money is used to fund SGLN’s programs including:
Revegetation works to repair and restore the treed landscape
Developing and planting wildlife corridors, linking areas of fragmented bushland
Fencing off and replanting riparian areas to rehabilitate waterways and improve water quality, both in the river or stream and the inlets they flow into
Education programs that empower landholders to understand their responsibilities, identify threats and developing solutions to pest plant and animal control, revegetation and land use.
The South Gippsland Landcare Fund was set up in 2009. Through community action, the fund helps to preserve, protect and enhance the long-term sustainability of farming and the environment in South Gippsland. 100% of donated money is used to fund SGLN’s programs including:
Revegetation works to repair and restore the treed landscape
Developing and planting wildlife corridors, linking areas of fragmented bushland
Fencing off and replanting riparian areas to rehabilitate waterways and improve water quality, both in the river or stream and the inlets they flow into
Education programs that empower landholders to understand their responsibilities, identify threats and developing solutions to pest plant and animal control, revegetation and land use.