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FLO Friday: What’s So “Safe” About Safe Spaces in Higher Education?

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Event description

Educators have described their classes and institutions as “safe spaces” with increasing frequency and certainty since the 1990s. This certainty, implying that a safe space is somehow better for learning outcomes, has been widely adopted with little critical consideration of what it truly means and what is expected when an educational space is labeled “safe”.  

Join this free one-hour Facilitating Learning Online (FLO) discussion, exploring “safe space” as an educational metaphor unconsciously communicating both explicit and implicit expectations about the nature of teaching and learning relationships. 

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:  

  • Recognize “safe space” as an educational metaphor 
  • Explain their obligations to others when they welcome them to a safe space 
  • Identify the implicit promises others make when a place or situation is labeled a safe space 

Facilitator: Bhuvinder Vaid

This session will be recorded, archived, and made available publicly on after the event. By participating in this session, you acknowledge that your participation in this session will be recorded and the recording will be made available openly.

Click "Register" to sign up for this webinar.

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