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Food Services Training - Malnutrition in the Aged Care Sector

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Event description


Date: 26th of May 2022

Time: 1:30 – 3:30 pm (AEST)

Duration: 2 Hours

Format: Virtual (MS TEAMS)

Training Description

It is very important in aged care to understand that every meal counts. When elderly start to miss meal, eat smaller meals or become unwell malnutrition may develop. It is vital to make sure the meals and snacks are high in protein and energy. One important areas is mid-meal snacks as it provides a time to often high protein and energy snacks, thus playing an important role in providing additional nutrition during the day.

This training webinar will explore malnutrition how to manage and how important it is to provide nourishing high energy and proteins meals. Explore menu planning and how the aged care sector can incorporate more energy and protein across the menu and into meal. Quick and easy strategies to support any meal service. Foodservice is crucial in supporting the nutrition of residents and clients through supportive menu planning. This training webinar will tap into expertise in menu planning, choice, how to successfully incorporate food fortification and other nutrition strategies. Food is personal to everyone, and this webinar will touch on how to incorporate personal nutrition support.

Skills Obtained

  1. What is malnutrition – why does it occur (poor eating, small eaters, sickness, unable to feed oneself)
  2. Types of malnutrition
  3. How can malnutrition be avoided – menu strategies/snacks
  4. Food first strategies – food fortification strategies (use UQ studies)
  5. The use of supplements (supple partners) when they should be used
  6. How to fortify a menu to support small and poor eating
  7. Food fortification how to prepare and simple strategies


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