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Forum | QLD - Employee Engagement

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Event description

This leadership event will focus on Employee Engagement

Employee engagement reflects the involvement and enthusiasm of employees in their work and workplace.

Gallup has found that engaged business teams drive positive outcomes within organisations. Gallup estimates that low engagement costs the global economy AU$13.4 trillion, or 9% of global GDP.

What are you doing to improve this?

It seems, quite a lot. This forum will expose the wide range of initiatives that Australian industries are employing to improve engagement in their people.
Australia has moved from 23% of it’s workforce being ‘engaged’ in 2023 to 25% in 2024. This is a significant improvement (10% in real terms) but there is a long way to go.

Our QLD forum events are great opportunities to come together with others in your field to share and acquire knowledge.  Attendance typically exceeds 30 people so you will depart with increased knowledge and a broader network to call upon in the future.

Our Presenters:
We are currently in discussions with our presenters and will update as we develop this program.

08:15:  Arrival and registration
08:30:  Group Discussions - How do you grow engagement in your businesses
09:00:  Session 1: Engagement - The state of the Global Workplace - Focus on Australia.
10:00:  Morning tea
10:30:  Session 2: Roundtable workshop - Digging deeper into engagement
12:00:  Lunch
12:45:  Session 3: Conversational Capacity - Guest Speaker
14:30:  Event ends

Who should attend?
This event is ideal for People and Culture professionals, General Managers and Operations Managers.
As a member of IPA you can register up to 2 people, subject to availability, to attend this event.
This event is for IPA members only, there will be no public access to this event.

When do I need to register by?
Registrations close 7 days prior to event date. 
Registrations are based on a "first-come, first-served" basis. 
There are no allocated seats with membership.

Who can I contact for further information? 

Samantha Jeffrey | National Engagement & Events Manager 
     0438 058 823

Please note that we may take photos/videos at IPA events for use in marketing or social media. If you wish to be exempted from these, please contact the event organiser.

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