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Cacao + Connection Bring a Friend for FREE

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Event description


Join Annalisa in a morning of cacao, connection, breath and movement as we sip on organic cacao infused with divine blue lotus to open our hearts and weave in ancient tools and practices that REturn us to a state of harmony and balance yet in a playful and lighthearted way.   A nourishing experience of activating and honouring the divine feminine within. 

Paying homage and respect to the traditional custodians of this land the Kabi Kabi people, while revering the Mayan's their healing rituals, traditions and modalities as you are guided into discovering your essence and tap into the wisdom that you be. The intention of these sessions is to merge the wisdom from our greatest teachers and guides into our modern lives so that we can restore our hearts, soothe our nervous systems and come home to the divine intelligence stored within. 

What to expect

Pranayama Yogic Breath work

Guided meditation and intention setting

Ceremonial cacao (or tea for those who find cacao to stimulating) - please email Annalisa in advance for preparation of tea. 

Full body sage / smudge 

Introduction into the history of ritual and the ancient wisdom that is cacao

Movement - the movement component weaves in elements of yoga, Qi gong and feme flow / dance. 

Each ceremony is intuitively led and facilitated, an opportunity and invitation to surrender, to sit in deep curiosity, to trust and receive guidance from your highest self. They are held in a sacred container and no two are the same.  

"It's in these sessions I get to do what I love best, hold space as you explore and uncover your fullest potential, move through any stagnant emotions that maybe holding you back and open your heart space so you can feel, give and receive love more effortlessly." Annalisa 

How does it work? 

Sacred Cacao works on opening and activating the heart chakra, as it increases blood flow throughout the body. The ceremonial cacao used in all of our sacred ceremonies is 100% organic, ethically sourced and minimally processed to maintain its nutrients at an optimal level.

Bursting with benefits, cacao is one of the most concentrated forms of magnesium, calcium, chromium and antioxidants found in nature.

We utilise this plant medicine with reverence and respect to journey home to the heart, REconnect to our inner wisdom, heal the mind and body, develop creativity, heighten meditation and deepen our intimate relationships. 

For the science lovers, here’s a little more info…..

It contains,

  • ANANDAMINE - anandamine in Sanskrit means BLISS - and is a bliss chemical that is found in the brain and in cacao that brings you literally into a state of bliss also known as that euphoric felling.
  • SEROTONIN – cacao increases the production of serotonin in the body, in turn turning up the dial on the HAPPY feeling.
  • TRYPTOPHAN – the precursor to serotonin. Tryptophan is great for elevation of mood, alleviates depression and anxiety.
  • THEOBROMINE – theobromine (directly translates to “food of the gods”) stimulates heart and mind, increases your energy, focus and concentration. HOW? it is similar to that coffee like kick, but smoother and without the crash.
  • 13 x more antioxidants than blueberries
  • 10 x more magnesium than bananas
  • 2.9 x more iron than spinach


  • Heart Opening
  • Assists with meditation & inner-work
  • Deeper connection to self
  • Calms the mind and releases stress
  • Connection to higher self 


  • Increases creativity
  • Prolongs focus
  • Enhances mood & brain function

Importnat information

  •  Avoid caffeine on the day of ceremony
  • Eat a lightly throughout the day
  • Dress comfortable and warm
  •  Bring a water bottle, journal and pen. 

Brightwater Wellness Hub

Date Saturday 3rd September

Time 10:00am : 12:00pm 

Tickets through Humanitix

Please arrive by 9:45am for a 10am start

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