Choose your tickets
Seated Ticket ticket
Seated Ticket = 1 actual chair for you to sit in and enjoy the show. Get off your feet & enjoy the show! All seating is "1st Come, 1st Sit", so come early and grab some seats with your crew!
Seated Ticket = 1 actual chair for you to sit in and enjoy the show. Get off your feet & enjoy the show! All seating is "1st Come, 1st Sit", so come early and grab some seats with your crew!
$30.00+ $2.79 feeStanding Ticket ticket
Standing Room Ticket = you don't mind standing to watch & enjoy the show! *Upgrading to a Seated Ticket may be available at the door if available. We highly recommend purchasing a Seated Ticket NOW if you know you're gonna wanna sit!*
Standing Room Ticket = you don't mind standing to watch & enjoy the show! *Upgrading to a Seated Ticket may be available at the door if available. We highly recommend purchasing a Seated Ticket NOW if you know you're gonna wanna sit!*
$20.00+ $2.29 fee