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Games Symposium for Oceania and the Asia Pacific

Melbourne / Online / 澳洲墨爾本/網上 / 澳大利亚墨尔本/在线
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Exploring new perspectives of videogame, boardgame, and tabletop roleplaying culture with game artists, makers, and researchers in the Asia Pacific and Oceania.

The Asia Pacific is remarkably overlooked as the largest region of annual game production and consumption. This omission represents an opportunity to share games and games-adjacent research. Given the enormous diversity and variation in videogame production and engagement practices, this two-day symposium aims to spark emerging new perspectives.

This symposium is jointly organised by DiGRA Australia, Chinese DiGRA, and in partnership with Pride at Play. We especially encourage researchers working in Chinese sectors to submit their work on game culture to share and collaborate with the workshop attendees.


加入亞太區和大洋洲的遊戲藝術家、製作人和研究員的行列,一同探索有關電子遊戲 、桌上遊戲和桌上角色扮演遊戲文化的嶄新視角。


研討會由澳洲數位遊戲研究協會(DiGRA Australia)與中華數位遊戲研究協會(Chinese DiGRA)合辦,並與 Pride at Play 合作。我們特別鼓勵在華語界別的研究員參與,提交以遊戲文化為主題的作品,與工作坊參與者分享和協作。




研讨会由澳大利亚电子游戏研究协会(DiGRA Australia) 与中华电子游戏研究协会(Chinese DiGRA)合办,并与 Pride at Play 合作。我们特别鼓励在华语界别的研究员参与,提交以游戏文化为主题的作品,与工作坊参与者分享和协作。

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Melbourne / Online / 澳洲墨爾本/網上 / 澳大利亚墨尔本/在线
Hosted by Pride at Play