Adult Entry (strictly for those accompanying children) ticket
*This program is strictly for children and families. Adults are welcome to attend only as guardians accompanying children, and adult tickets have been reduced priced accordingly to encourage family participation. Unfortunately, we cannot accept bookings from adults without children (for reasons of child-safety). We are pleased to announce that adult-only programs are in serious planning stages for the coming year, so there will definitely be opportunities to attend similar events designed specifically for adults. Stay tuned for updates!
*This program is strictly for children and families. Adults are welcome to attend only as guardians accompanying children, and adult tickets have been reduced priced accordingly to encourage family participation. Unfortunately, we cannot accept bookings from adults without children (for reasons of child-safety). We are pleased to announce that adult-only programs are in serious planning stages for the coming year, so there will definitely be opportunities to attend similar events designed specifically for adults. Stay tuned for updates!