Choose your tickets
Early-bird (before 1st April) General admission ticket
This general admission entitles you to entry to 'An Evening of poetry, anecdotes and ideas with Dr Glenn Colquhoun'. Date: Tuesday 15th April Time: 5:00pm - 7:30pm Location: KPMG Offices, Level 6, 44 Bowen Street, Wellington
This general admission entitles you to entry to 'An Evening of poetry, anecdotes and ideas with Dr Glenn Colquhoun'. Date: Tuesday 15th April Time: 5:00pm - 7:30pm Location: KPMG Offices, Level 6, 44 Bowen Street, Wellington
Flexible priceEarly-bird (before 1st April) Set of two tickets ticket
Flexible priceEarly-bird (before 1st April) Student / low-waged / non-profit ticket
Flexible priceGeneral admission (after 1st April) ticket
This general admission entitles you to entry to 'An Evening of poetry, anecdotes and ideas with Dr Glenn Colquhoun'. Date: Tuesday 15th April Time: 5:00pm - 7:30pm Location: KPMG Offices, Level 6, 44 Bowen Street, Wellington
This general admission entitles you to entry to 'An Evening of poetry, anecdotes and ideas with Dr Glenn Colquhoun'. Date: Tuesday 15th April Time: 5:00pm - 7:30pm Location: KPMG Offices, Level 6, 44 Bowen Street, Wellington
Flexible priceSet of two tickets (after 1st April) ticket
Flexible priceStudent / low-waged / non-profit (after 1st April) ticket
Flexible price